Learning Management Systems – The Facts You Always Wanted To Know

Learning Management Systems – The Facts You Always Wanted To Know

Edulogiq’s well researched Learning Management System has turned the lives of millions through e-Learning process, be it in the schools, colleges or in any other establishment. This article can throw some light on this unique software of one of the leading e companies.

 LMS stands sort for Learning Management System. Its key features are as follows:

·       Learning because you use it to deliver educational courses or training programs 

·       Management, because it helps you organize these courses.

·       System, is just a fancy word that translates to "software".

·       Just like Word helps you write documents and Gmail helps you manage your emails, an LMS is a software program that helps you create, manage and deliver eLearning courses.

 Who uses an LMS?

·  Businesses of all sizes, from large multinational enterprises to small and medium businesses.

·   Organizations, from the United Nations to your local co-op, including Non-Government Organizations and non-profits.

·    Government agencies and local governments.

·    Traditional educational institutions.

·   Online and e-Learning based educational institutions.

 What are they using an LMS for?

An LMS can be used for all kinds of learning activities (that's why they put the "L" in the acronym after all). But it's also an invaluable business tool, one that has been embraced by enterprises and organizations big and small.

Here are some of the most common use cases for an LMS platform:

 Employee training

The need to train new employees or teach existing employees new skills is a constant, whatever the nature of your business is. With an LMS you can cut down on costs and eliminate business disruptions associated with traditional learning, by letting your employees study the material online and at their own pace. With eLearning, businesses not only spend less money and effort compared to bringing in specialized instructors to give conventional seminars, but also gain better insights on their employees' progress with integrated monitoring and reporting tools.

 Employee orientation

The all important task of on boarding a new hire can be automated and handled easily by an LMS. An on boarding course can include all the stuff nobody pays much attention to as well as the all-important detailing of their role and responsibilities, information about career advancement opportunities and benefits. It's also a good place to educate your new hires of your company's employee conduct code, privacy guidelines, and racial and sexual harassment policies.

Knowledge retention

A knowledge retention program ensures that valuable skills, techniques and information which were acquired by the employees during their tenure, can be retained in the company when they leave or retire. It's also a good fit for an LMS platform, as you don't want this valuable information to just sit in some document management system that nobody ever checks, but to have it available at all times to train new employees or people coming from other departments.


Last, but not least, an LMS is a good fit for general educational offerings. It could be a school selling online lessons, a traditional educational institution supplementing its classroom based courses, a business educating its clients, or even a government agency or NGO helping educate the general population. In all these forms, and many more, eLearning is here to stay, to the degree that it might be the very future of learning.


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