Learning to Love the Most Loved Programming Language
Becoming a Rustacean
For five years in a row, Rust has been the most loved programming language according to the StackOverflow Developer Survey. As a tech enthusiast and student of computer science, of course I had to give this hip new successor to C a shot (the fact that my job required it might have played a role, as well).
Despite the trend of many species in nature to eventually evolve into crabs, or so the internet tells me, I find the natural process of carcinization a bit too slow for my needs. But speeding up the process of becoming a Rustacean has not been easy. With a compiler stricter than my fifth grade Chinese teacher, I can confidently say that Rust was one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, languages that I’ve learned, and, yes, that includes natural languages, too.
A huge part of what made Rust so difficult to pick up for me was how different it is compared to other languages. From ownership to lifetimes, there are a bunch of new concepts I’d love to talk about, but I’ll start with one of the most basic and commonly used types in Rust.
What is a String slice??
The last time I was so confused by strings, I was still in my high school orchestra. To be fair, the actual confusion stems from the more general vectors, slices, and arrays; but I think it is helpful to start with string-ish types as an example, since contiguous characters is the earliest manifestation of these types that I encountered.
The String type
At first sight, the String type doesn’t seem so special.
let my_string: String = String::from("I love Rust");
my_string is a String type, it is made of three components: a pointer to some bytes, a length, and a capacity.
use std::mem::size_of_val;
// The `size_of_val()` function returns the size of the
// pointed-to value in bytes.
println!("{}", size_of_val(&my_string)); // 24
The size of my_string is 24 bytes, or 3 words (assuming 64-bit architecture). These 3 words are used to store the pointer, length, and capacity of the string. The pointer points to a buffer on the heap, the length indicates the number of bytes on the buffer (not null-terminated), and the capacity is used to facilitate re-allocating memory in the buffer (e.g. appending to strings, etc.).
The &String type
This is a reference to a String. A reference is like a pointer from C (which represents a memory location), but references are never invalid (Null) and you can’t do pointer arithmetic on them.
let reference_to_my_string: &String = &my_string;
println!("{}", size_of_val(&reference_to_my_string)); // 8
Loosely speaking, reference_to_my_string is just a pointer that points to a pointer (and some metadata) that points to a buffer on the heap. Since it’s just a pointer that points to some memory location, the size of a &String is just 1 word.
So far so good…
The &str type
This is the type that was totally new to me, but used all the time in Rust. As we can see from the ampersand before it, this type is a reference to something. That something is a string slice (str). But before digging into slices, let’s look at &str’s size.
// The `as_str()` method of the `String` type extracts a string slice
// containing the entire String and returns a reference to it.
let reference_to_my_string_slice: &str = my_string.as_str();
println!("{}", size_of_val(&reference_to_my_string_slice)); // 16
Hmm, isn’t reference_to_my_string_slice just a pointer that points to some memory location? The size of reference_to_my_string is 1 word, how come a reference to the string slice version of my_string is double the size? reference_to_my_string_slice is a “fat pointer”. Normally, I wouldn’t concern myself with the BMI of pointers (I believe that it’s really a personal matter), but size does matter here. It not only contains a pointer to the string slice’s memory location, but also the length of the string slice. So why do we need this extra bit of data? We’ll need to examine the type that &str points to. This is where things got weird for me.
The str type
The string slice (AKA str) type is a dynamically sized type. Dynamically sized types do not have a size at compile time. String is a normal type, the compiler always know its size — it’s always 3 words. A str is some number of instances of u8 (unsigned 8-bit integer) laid out sequentially in memory, but the exact number if unknown. The compiler cannot compute the size of a str because it has no length. Because of this, we can’t put a str on the stack; in other words, we can never have a variable that is a str. So if we try to compile the following,
// Note that we try to derefence with `*` to get the actual `str`.
let my_string_slice: str = *my_string.as_str();
The compiler complains:
| let my_string_slice: str = *my_string.as_str();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `str`
= note: all local variables must have a statically known size
Basically, I like to think that *my_string.as_str() is the data in my_string’s buffer. There’s nothing encoded in the buffer on the heap that tells us where this contiguous block of u8s end, so all we know about *my_string.as_str() is that there is a block of u8s, and they’re guaranteed to be u8s, lying next to each other somewhere. Importantly, this contiguous sequence doesn’t necessarily need to be on the heap.
The string literal
let my_string_literal: &str = "I literally love Rust";
println!("{}", size_of_val(&my_string_literal)); // 16
String literals are really just &strs. The my_string_literal variable has a size of 2 words; it’s a “fat pointer”, just as we expected. my_string_literal is a reference that points to a contiguous sequence of u8s; but unlike the str that reference_to_my_string_slice points to, the contiguous sequence of u8s that my_string_literal points to is stored inside the binary itself!
Now, *string_literal actually has a known size, and the compiler could probably know it (of course, it’s literally hardcoded), but treating it as a str is already sufficient to do everything we need. Since a str is just any sequence of characters, we don’t care where it is, be it on the heap, as with reference_to_my_string_slice, or in the binary itself, as with my_string_literal. So because we have this str type, whenever we have hardcoded “strings” in a program, we can just view it as a str and not have to worry about copying it onto the heap or the stack. For example, if we want to compare a variable like so:
if foo == "potentially very long string that is very long" {
// do stuff with `foo`
Since "potentially very long string that is very long" is really a slice, we don’t need to allocate any space for it on the heap (and then free it immediately afterwards), or even put it on the stack. All we have is a pointer, albeit a fat one (memory location and size).
What about arrays?
A string slice is basically a slice of u8s, or [u8] (there’s actually a slight difference in that strs are guaranteed to be valid UTF-8 text), and a String is analogous to a vector of u8s, or Vec<u8>. Rust has a more general slice type, the [T], which just means a contiguous sequence of type Ts somewhere of some length.
There is also the array type, [T; n], which is a contiguous sequence of type T’s somewhere of length n. Sounds almost like a slice, but with arrays, the compiler knows the length. So we can put an array of four i32 types on the stack like this:
let my_array: [i32; 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4];
println!("{}", size_of_val(&my_array)); // 16
Arrays sound pretty nice, they aren’t some weird dynamic, semi-mythical type like [T] or str, we can actually put them on the stack (or the heap); they have a size. But I think the fact that they have a size is exactly why they are so rarely seen in Rust. Because the size is a part of the type, they are not so convenient to pass around. For example:
let my_big_array: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let my_small_array: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
my_big_array and my_small_array are different types, so if we want to have a function that takes in an array and prints out each of its values in a new line, what would the signature of the function be? This is where slices are better. We can get a slice view of my_array (but we have to put the slices behind references):
let reference_to_slice_of_my_big_array: &[i32] = &my_big_array[..];
let reference_to_slice_of_my_small_array: &[i32] = &my_small_array[..];
This way, the type of our function’s argument could just be &[i32]. Also note that both reference_to_slice_of_my_big_array and reference_to_slice_of_my_small_array are fat pointers that point to i32s on the stack!
From these examples, we see how flexible slices could be: whenever we have a function that would like to interact with a contiguous sequence of some type, we could just pass it a &[T] (or &str). We don’t need to worry about whether that sequence is an array or a vector, or whether it’s in the binary, stack, or heap, a slice always offers us a nice view into that block of data.
Extra: Slices on the heap
References aren’t the only way to interact with slices; for example, it is also possible to interact with slices through container types like “boxes”. The Box type is a pointer type for heap allocation. Still using my_string from way above:
let my_string_in_a_box: Box<str> = my_string.into_boxed_str();
println!("{}", size_of_val(&my_string_in_a_box)); // 16
my_string_in_a_box is of type Box<str> and is only 2 words because all it stores is a pointer and length. Box<str> is sort of like &str, except the str that my_string_in_a_box points to is guaranteed to be on the heap. Box<str> is also sort of like String, except it doesn’t have the capacity field, so we cannot resize my_string_in_a_box. There is also the Vector equivalent method of into_boxed_slice() for the more general vectors.
As far as I can tell, boxed slices aren’t too common, since Strings and Vectors can do everything that a Box<str> or Box<[T]> can, but I think it’s helpful to illustrate that slices don’t have to be behind references, they can be behind anything, so long as it has some way to point to where the slice is, and a size.