Learning to Listen To, Communicate With and Learn From Animals

Learning to Listen To, Communicate With and Learn From Animals

In this lifetime, I have had numerous animal family members and special encounters with dogs, cats, rats, horses, ponies, llamas, alpacas, elephants, dolphins, ferrets, foxes, squirrels, birds, and fish. They all had their own unique personalities, wisdom, and consciousness which I am forever grateful to have experienced and grown from.

Along the way, I have had the pleasure of working with numerous traditional, holistic and integrative veterinarians. I have also met trainers of service animals that have worked with the military, law enforcement, and with people with medical conditions, disabilities, or in need of the emotional support these amazing beings have to offer.

Through all of this, I became aware that all creatures - all living things actually - have consciousness and thus are capable of receiving and sharing a great deal of love, compassion, wisdom and service. They are all capable of learning and teaching us so many things, because in so many ways, they are more intuitively connected to life, the planet, the universe, and all beings that live on and in it.

This Sunday November 3rd, 2024 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time, on my Secrets to Goal Achievement Podcast, I have the profound privilege of interviewing a truly extraordinary person - Sandra Mendelson. Sandra has spent decades developing truly remarkable relationships with animals as well as her ability to communicate with them, connect with their unique states of consciousness and help others benefit from their innate wisdom and healing capabilities.

Sandra Mendelson is a talented researcher, author, animal communicator, animal consciousness connector, speaker, teacher, Therapist and Health Coach. Through her profound gifts, Sandra opens the door to the inner lives, voices and wisdom of the animal kingdom. She reveals what our animal friends want us to know, in order to help us to:

* Process and understand life's most profound challenges

* Manage and release our difficult emotions

* Learn to trust our body's internal intelligence

* Experience more joy

* Go with the flow of life instead of pushing against it

* Experience the love, connection and symbiotic relationship we have with all life.

I am so excited about this interview with Sandra, and about sharing it with you all. You can join Sandra and me at 7:00 PM Eastern Time this Sunday November 3rd on Zoom or my Facebook Page if you are a Facebook Friend, at these links:

Join The Zoom Meeting Sunday November 3rd at 7:00 PM EDT at:


Meeting ID: 854 9722 9231

Passcode: 721682

If you are my Facebook friend, Join us on Facebook Live at:


To find out more about Sandra Mendelson and her books and services, visit:


Please invite all your family and friends who love animals and want to discover how to communicate and learn from them better.

I would also like to make this interview provide some benefits to the wonderful animal rescue organizations and shelters that need our support.

So I have purchased 5 sets of Sandra's "We Walk Beside You" Book One and Two. I will give one set away - a $36.00 value - to each of the first 5 people who show me a receipt for their donation of at least $10.00 to their local animal rescue or shelter or Animal Welfare Society. In addition, I will match all of those donations with a donation to my local animal shelter.

I look forward to seeing and serving you this Sunday November 3rd at 7:00 PM Eastern time. See you then.

Much Love and Gratitude,


Great share, Michael!



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