Learning Life's Lessons
I’ve often found that some years are made up of that unpredictable mixture: surprise and challenge. So as this one draws to an end, I thought I’d take the time to reflect and share what I’ve noticed..
And that’s been a combination of good magic and the odd wake-up call.?
It’s my 30th year in this incredible industry and with a tenure this long I’ve gained what I hope have been some significant wisdoms.?
So much so that recently, whilst presenting as a keynote speaker at an Australian real estate conference, I chose to share some of them. It was a nervous start as my overseas colleagues are a tough bunch, but it was beautifully received and the time disappeared as the content hit the mark.?
I firmly hold to the saying ‘intelligence is what you know, understanding is what you do and wisdom is what you become’ and much of that has come through utilizing the following opportunities.?
Mentors – and I have three – have not only provided clarity to my sometimes distracted or overthought perceptions, they have encouraged me to think and engage in a growth mindset. The accountability this provokes has been essential to developing strong business processes and I try to pay their actions forward by mentoring others myself. For anyone considering getting a mentor, do it, and now – selecting either a professional or an admired friend or colleague.?
I’ve also, and this has been a big step, finally understood that life is not only measured in success or failure, all or nothing, rather it’s the commitment to getting better and moving forward towards your goals each day that brings the greatest learnings and simple joys.?
After all, there’s a certain beauty in delayed gratification.?
I share the belief that ‘good people find good people’ and I get to work with some of the best in the industry, not only regionally but internationally. And I’ve learnt that if you get the chance to work with good people, the best practice is to guide and challenge, not (as many try to do) enforce and change.?
Of all those good people, I can say it’s my absolute pleasure to work with Cameron Bailey, Chris Kennedy, Michelle Fu and my husband, John McFadden.
These are my business partners, peers and friends, and to say that every year working with them gets better is an understatement.?
Nothing, however, exists in isolation and all of us benefit from an enriched personal life as well as a successful professional standing.?
For me, it’s important to acknowledge the amazing support and unconditional love that family and friends provide and this year I’ve needed that as I’ve accepted the growing frailty of aging parents. Daily visits with my parents have been part of that process and cherished by all of us.?
So how, in real life, do you get all these elements working in some sort of order? By being intentional.?
I’ve become deeply intentional around daily habits and learnt to lean into my strengths. I’d encourage others to do the same as they conclude 2024 and move into a new year.?
Who knows what’s ahead, but whatever it is, I wish you a beautiful entry into another year. And do take some time to reflect on the wisdoms that constitute your own life just as I’ve shared some of what has shaped mine.