Learning to Let Go of Your Fear
Here are a few words of gentle advice to help you get in touch with a stronger, more powerful expression of who you really are: learn to relax!
As you might recall from previous discussions, we learn to adopt a defensive attitude at a very early age and this habit influences our behaviour for the rest of our lives. The physical effects of this defensive attitude can be seen in our tense shoulder, neck and back muscles, the tension in our chests and the difficulty in breathing deeply. This defensive stress has been called 'body armouring' and this description sums up the problem perfectly; we go through life wearing layers of protective armour - physical, mental and emotional defences that create the illusion of being protected.
The challenge for us today is to stop, breathe and begin to remove the armour, to peel away the false layers of security that shape our behaviour. This is a highly effective way to discover the power that lies beneath the delusion. It isn't a comfortable experience to relax our guard. We naturally feel vulnerable but this is how our fears trap us. Learn to let go. Release the fear and tension. Breathe more deeply and experience the revolution of living beyond the shadows and illusions of your fear. It's the first step towards freedom and a welcome return to a more natural, beautiful and healthy way of experiencing every day of your life.