Learning to Let Go and Stay Open – Reflections on Progress and Learnings from 2020
The year 2020 started so differently than it turned out. Early in the year we kicked off some amazing events. We met with artists in Vancouver WA, participated in our first Kijiji Night with One Vibe Africa, and had a wide-ranging interview with Davies Chirwa from Channel ATV about our work in the week before everything changed. We were excited for events in Minneapolis, Denver, Los Angeles, Washington DC and Seattle throughout?the year, but those were not to be.
I find it helpful to take time to reflect on progress and learning from the last year, as well as compared to previous ones. Looking back at 2019, I remembered the themes of domestic and international travel; renewing and deepening existing relationships; making and developing new connections. Leyla and I traveled to Ethiopia for the first time since 2014. We launched Open Hearts Big Dreams inaugural events in Denver, Grand Rapids, Los Angeles, and Seattle. We met university presidents, Rotarians, librarians, artists, scientists, teachers, writers, technologists, entrepreneurs, and supporters of all kinds. We saw the site of the now complete Gonder library and the Dangla science building before construction began. Through our travels, I gave talks on Open Hearts Big Dreams and the belief that fuels our work – that focused collaboration plus innovation equals positive impact. I was excited to focus on bringing my insights and learning through my public speaking business including the King Country Women's Leadership Program
The?2020 I planned was not to be. In March, there was still hope that later in the year I could resume normal activities. By August, the truth had settled that any semblance of what I planned was gone for the entire year and likely much of 2021. I needed to let go of the expectations, hopes, plans, and dreams I had created and cherished! I needed to refocus on what was still possible.
Letting go is tough; it involves loss and pain?and uncertainty. Humans experience change as pain – and the speed and scope of this change was excruciating. I found my body communicating this with headaches, muscles pains, and anxiety. Focusing required more effort than I expected and just getting through the days often felt exhausting. I needed to mindfully turn away from obsessing on what was lost, scary, or unknown. Instead, I had to actively make the choice to open?up to whatever came next – even if it remained unknown, frightening, or uncertain for some time. When I began to do this, the result was truly amazing, although it was “a two-steps forward, one back” process most days. I could then see so much was still possible and new opportunities started to reveal themselves.
In 2020, OHBD made amazing strides against our goals. We were still able to complete the new library in Gonder (with Link Ethiopia) and the new science building in Dangla (with Project Ethiopia). Our team came up with inventive ideas which led to our first art contest, our first coloring book, our first sales rep, ours and others YouTube "Read 2?Me" videos , a new artist in residence pilot, and working on Somali as a new language. We applied for, and were delighted to be selected as the partner and awarded a grant from?the US Embassy American Spaces STEM, Entrepreneurship/Business, Leadership and Communication training for all of 2021. Susie Carr (a long-time supporter with her late husband Mike Carr) awarded us a private grant to launch the Mike Carr Legacy Project, focused on increasing opportunities for kids with disabilities in Ethiopia.
Our powerful little team grew at all levels with terrific new members joining the Board, Advisory, staff and, volunteer efforts. Many we met virtually in the US and Ethiopia. Our terrific #ReadSetGoBooks team continued to create and publish more amazing books – month after month – spreading joy and hope with each new title. We hit 100 titles in three languages, thanks to our talented production team, for more than 300 titles. We added a new collaboration partner, Partners with Ethiopia with a book focus, who raised $10K to print and distribute more #ReadySetGo locally printed titles, and our beloved books ended up in more libraries, websites, and schools around the globe.
My public speaking and consulting went virtual with all types of learning and growth. My son was a huge help in catching me up on what I needed from new equipment to set up. And I met amazing people and heard their stories but on the screen instead of in person. It opened up opportunities to give talks in Ethiopia too which before had been limited by my ability to travel which was time consuming and expensive.
Through all this, I was powerfully reminded of how much good there remains in the world. My go to formula of collaboration plus innovation to drive positive impact still holds true. Opportunity is everything; if you have it, treasure it and use it to give that same opportunity to others.
A version of this post was previously published in the Open Hearts Big Dreams Newsletter:?https://openheartsbigdreams.org/what-we-do/newsletter/ ?You can sign up to receive here:?https://eepurl.com/c8zhuX
I share thoughts and resources for leadership, negotiation, innovation and social entrepreneurship at:?https://ellenoreangelidis.com / You can also find me on Twitter:?ellenorea , Facebook:?https://www.facebook.com/LEAD-LLC-Lead-Empower-Activate-Dream-Ellenore-Angelidis-121749049220884/ ?and Instagram?https://www.instagram.com/ellenore_angelidis/
I write more on Working Mother,?Mom, Mayhem, Missions and More , Adoptive Families Circle,?Melting Pot Family,? and my personal blogs:?Balancing Motherhood and Career ?and?Ethiopian Ties .
Real Estate Professional l Community Relations Agent l Strategic Thinker l Consultant l Entrepreneurial
3 年Wonderful read and inspiration Ellenore, in the end I found your words "Through all this, I was powerfully reminded of how much good there remains in the world. My go to formula of collaboration plus innovation to drive positive impact still holds true. Opportunity is everything; if you have it, treasure it and use it to give that same opportunity to others." most valuable. Thank you for sharing from the heart!