Learning lessons of Peace & Love from WW2, 26/11 Mumbai attacks & Hitler
When studying the history on World War II, I came across few facts, like –
1. The bloodiest conflict, as well as the largest war, in history. (40,000,000–50,000,000 deaths)
2. Lasted from 1939 to 1945, between the Allies and the Axis powers.
3. The hatred against the opposing sects were ignited in school education
I was astonished by the 3rd pointer fact noted above.
I read a little on Nazi’s education being taught in German schools.
We all know terrorist are taught & trained since childhood to get justice & sort of knowledge, which Ajmal Kasab also mentioned as regretting when being sentenced to death for 26/11 Mumbai terrorist attacks.
To get facts & details about the 3 reference snaps I have given till yet, kindly consider going through history.
As my point here is not to bring the historical facts in front of you but the crux of it –
When hatred can be taught, so shall be Love.
Which also proves from the above 3 depictions that Love, peace, respect, hope isn’t taught rightly in our education system currently.
Where students are made to burn mid night oils to get good grades, be toppers in the class to earn high salaries… and somewhere small a civil right chapter stays, talking facts about the rights & duties of citizens.
My question to all the readers is -
1. Why is humanity, love, peace not taught explicitly in schools?
2. Isn’t it visible that schools can create a changed world, a better peaceful world?
3. If world wars can be ignited in schools, why shouldn’t be love & tranquility?
Looking for answers, if they can do any good in changing education system.
To conclude the article with lines of Mahatma Gandhi -
“The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace.”