Learning and Growing

Learning and Growing

Being On Time: if we can not repect and manage time we dont deserve long time succsess there is possiblility you are getting short term gain. The first thing is that being on time shows care. You respect the person and their time, and you take the trouble to get to your meeting or date or appointment early enough. While it might not always be true, there is the idea that you are late because you don’t care, and that’s the impression many can walk away with.

Getting somewhere on time is easy, but if you fail to do it, it can show that you lack organization or that you did not take the situation seriously. Being on time might not be enough to establish your reputation as a reliable person, but it can be a strong first step. It proves that you can fulfill a commitment, starting with the basics.

Being late can be stressful. That might affect you first. You will spend your commute worrying and calculating, thinking up excuses, or expecting the other person to be angry. All of this might change your mindset and shift your focus. On the other hand, you being late can also stress out the other person.

Being late can make you feel like you are not in control of your time. It can put you in uncomfortable situations, force you to apologize, create unexpected negative situations. When you are running late, you put yourself at the mercy of other factors. Sure, something can always happen, but it feels a lot more infuriating when you are already behind. On the other hand, being on time can help you feel more autonomous, more in control of your decisions. You can manage your time more efficiently by trying to be on time.

Can help you make it to the next task in time and the next one too. While the difference might not be very significant, those minutes do add up. Punctuality can be a value that will make a difference in how productive you are during the day and how much gets accomplished. It is also a value that has accumulative effects, as over time, you are likely to feel more benefits. For instance, you might develop a reputation for being timely and dependable, which will play in your favor. Even if you are late sometimes, it’s much easier to minimize the damage related to this situation when you are usually on time.

Overall, being on time is a simple habit that can make a big difference in your life. It does not require an excessive effort, but it can change how others perceive you, make you more productive, make you feel more in control, and boost the chances for a positive outcome in any given situation. While you can’t always control all the factors involved, leaving earlier, calculating your time, and making the commitment can help you be on-time more often.

Show Up & Do the Work: There is a saying that goes ‘80% of success in life is just showing up and doing work. Showing up can lead to success by enabling you to reach your fullest potential. It’s a powerful habit that will serve you; you’ll achieve your goals and live a happier life

really means to be present in more than one way. It’s about appearing consistently for things that matter. This can be showing up at work by making an effort to grow, showing up for yourself by pursuing your goals. It also means being present by living in the moment. You take things one day at a time. The idea is that it’s better to take the smallest step you can than taking no step at all. Here are some of the ways that showing up enhances your life.

When you’re focused on a process or task, you’re more present. You can pour your energy into the task at hand or into interacting with your fellow human beings. You’re not under pressure to achieve a specific goal, so, you’ll experience less stress and your performance will soar.?For example, if you’re giving a sales pitch, you’ll center your attention on interacting with the prospect. You’re going to give a stronger sales pitch since you’re not obsessing over winning over a client. When you perform better across different areas of life, you’ll also see greater success in everything you do.?

Every time you show up to create a new habit, you cast a vote towards your identity and who you want to be. For example, if you want to grow your business, every time you send an email or make a call, you vote towards becoming a better businessperson.?

The key is not to be perfect, but to simply show up. When you take even the smallest step towards building a new habit, you can shape your life.

Give Your Best every day: Doing your best is synonymous with living out each and every moment to its fullest potential.?And this potential exists in every situation you encounter in your life.?All that is required of you is not to fight whatever life throws your way. Doing your best is not about meeting expectations or achievements. It isn’t about success or failure (or whatever that label even implies). It is about putting all your energy into whatever life situation you are currently experiencing.

Every moment you think you failed was suppose to happen exactly as it happened and no other way.?If you feel like you didn’t succeed then I suggest rethinking your definition of success.?It is often those moments that we label as failures that teach us the most about ourselves. When you start to take each moment that you label a failure as a building block towards success your perspective drastically changes. Realize that failure cannot exist without a thought behind it labeling it as failure. This is a choice, even if its an unconscious one. Every opportunity you fail just breeds more room for growth. Instead of taking each setback as a sign of weakness, test your resiliency. Challenge yourself, and embrace every chance at bouncing back from an unwanted outcome as a fun, exciting new window to explore. Take any opportunity in life as a new adventure. Even if it is something that you have done a thousand times, experience it to its fullest from an open-minded perspective. For example, take your time spent waiting in line as an opportunity to talk to a stranger or appreciate the environment you’re in rather than anxiously thinking about how miserable you are because everyone else is moving slowly.

Do things to do them, not get them done.?There are a lot of situations in life that we dread. For example, if you have to clean something, the mind often immediately races to, “I can’t wait until this is done.” Instead of dreading something until its done, take it as an opportunity to fully invest yourself in. This might sound silly, but it is such a simple way to re-frame your mind that will make everything you do more enjoyable. Turn intention into action.?Intentions are great, but they only get you so far. Have you ever heard of the phrase “fake it ‘till you make it?” I believe that this phrase fundamentally means acting even if the motivation isn’t there. Just because you think you can’t do something doesn’t mean you can’t.

Be Positively Contagious: There are two types of people energizers and de-energizers. When energizers enter a room, everyone feels enthused, inspired, and connected. Deenergizers, on the other hand, are depleting, the ones who sap your energy every time and leave you demoralised. In organisations, a leader’s relational energy has an outsize effect on employees and work culture. If the leader is a?positive energizer, the effect magnifies, and as a result, everyone flourishes. But when we say positive energy, it is not a superficial, false demonstration of positivity, where you turn a blind eye to everyday stresses and real pressures employees are experiencing. It is a deep and active demonstration of values — forgiveness, compassion, humility, kindness, trust, integrity, honesty, generosity, and gratitude. Leaders with positive relational energy, their greatest secret is that by uplifting others through authentic, values-based leadership, they end up lifting up both themselves and their organisations. Many studies on positive leadership have proved that leaders focused on contributing to others are substantially more effective than leaders focused on personal achievement and success.

Leader’s thoughts, behaviours, emotions and habits are a lot more contagious than anything else in the organisation or society. When leaders are aligned within themselves and exhibit positivity, they spread the ‘positive vibes’ of possibilities and creativity throughout the organisation. The reverse is also true. Leader’s thoughts, behaviours, emotions and habits are a lot more contagious than anything else in the organisation or society. When leaders are aligned within themselves and exhibit positivity, they spread the ‘positive vibes’ of possibilities and creativity throughout the organisation. The reverse is also true. Research shows that people generally follow people who have clear leadership styles, who stand for strong personal values and ideologies, who project positive thoughts, emotions and actions and who are consistent in their words and actions.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude: It can be really difficult to think of things you are grateful for when everything in your life seems to be going wrong. Countless studies show that for many people, finding a bit of thankfulness each day can actually increase happiness levels and decrease depression. By developing an?Attitude of Gratitude, we can feel more fulfilled and joyful each day.

It’s much easier to have an attitude of gratitude when things are going smoothly. This year, with the global pandemic, the challenges of distance learning, the increasing climate-related disasters, and intensifying racial injustices and political divide, I have found that living with an attitude of gratitude has taken even more strength, conscious choice, and generosity of heart than ever before. We all have people in our lives for whom we’re grateful, events and situation, mentors and those who have helped us. Keep a gratitude journal of the good things in your life and notice how much happier you feel. Express gratitude to the people who have made your life better and bathe in feelings of love and connectedness. Adopt new behaviors as a result of interacting with those who have helped you, and notice you have more empathy, less judgment, and greater appreciation for life itself. Finally, embody gratitude by placing one hand over your heart and lovingly listen with attentive presence and appreciation to whatever comes your way.

Each of us always has a choice of what we will focus on. Grateful people give thanks for everything in their life, even on the days when it feels like nothing is going right. To turn an attitude of gratitude into a sustainable habit, your foundation for feelings of gratitude must be independent of your circumstances. Hence, even on the days when it feels like nothing is going right, you have to find the silver lining and give thanks for what is working.

Seek Solutions: The Seeking Solutions approach to local open innovation consists of four major steps: i) the call for problems, ii) problem selection, iii) problem broadcast, and iv) the collaborative event.?

The call for problems: The first step in the Seeking Solutions approach is the "call for problems, The call for problems is an important step because the organizers of the conference have to convince people to submit a problem that can be put to the community. Common barriers for solution seekers include the not invented here syndrome and inexperience with open innovation. Previous experience of open innovation, training, and testimonials from others can help solution seekers in the community overcome these barriers. If their problem is selected during the second step, the solution seekers will benefit from outside help working on their problem. However, the solution seeker will have to pay to participate to the event. In our experience, a broadly cast call to a general "crowd" does not yield a sufficient quality or quantity of problems; a more targeted approach using the event organizer's network is often required. Even so, the organizers must carefully prepare the call for problems so that the advertisement is not perceived as spam, but as a real, value-added opportunity. A well-crafted call for problems will convince solution seekers that they cannot afford to miss this opportunity to try a novel approach to solving their important business problems. The call for problems must last long enough to allow the advertisement to propagate and to give potential solution seekers time to consider and prepare their submissions. However, the call must be ended some time before the event to allow time for the next steps in the overall process. We recommend starting the call for problems at least six month prior to the event, and it should last for at least two months. These timelines can be adjusted depending on the type of community. For example, if the event is aimed at an established industrial cluster where members are keen to try open innovation, a brief call for problems may be sufficient. At the end of this first step, a number of companies or institutions should have submitted some of their most critical and unsolved problems, and it will be up to the organizers to evaluate and select the most suitable of these problems.

Problem selection: The second step in the Seeking Solutions approach is "problem selection", which is required for two main reasons. First, the call for problems may have brought in more problems than could be addressed during a single event, for logistical reasons. Second, the selection process validates whether or not the problems submitted will really benefit from the approach. Just as not all types of problems can benefit from crowdsourcing , not all types of problem can benefit from the Seeking Solutions approach. An expert of the problem’s domain, called an ambassador , is put in contact with the solution seeker. Just by asking some basic questions, the ambassador is able to help the solution seeker further define the problem and ensure that the description that will ultimately be posted on a web-based platform is sufficiently clear and broad.

Ambassadors play a key role in problem selection, and it is therefore important to identify potential ambassadors as early as possible when planning a Seeking Solutions event. An ambassador has to be a technical person with a good systemic view of the domain. They do not need to be an expert, but they have to be able to analyze a problem correctly and deeply. The ambassadors will not only help to define the problem but will also be the main point of contact for the solution seekers. Training in all aspects of the Seeking Solutions approach helps ambassadors guide the solution seekers throughout the process leading up to the event and during the event itself.

Problem broadcast: The third step in the Seeking Solutions approach is the "problem broadcast". The problems gathered and selected in steps 1 and 2 are broadcasted through a web-based platform including as much information as possible, such as figures, references, or details of failed solutions. The purpose of this step is to recruit potential problem solvers.

Two strategies are employed during the problem-broadcast step to reach potential problem solvers. First, the problems are broadcasted widely to reach a diverse range of potential problem solvers, without any preconceptions or constraints. A general broadcasting approach ensures that everyone who thinks they could help has the opportunity to participate in the collaboration event; this is an important, open-minded philosophy that allows solution seekers to gain all the potential benefits of open innovation. Links with local partners such as universities, R&D centres, and other members of the innovation community can help broadcast the problems wildly. Also, social media tools such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook have proven very efficient in broadcasting the problems to a large audience. Second, specialists are targeted based on expectations about what type of expertise might be relevant to a particular problem. In fact, we have seen that the solution seekers often already have an idea of who could help them; this information is used to target the broadcasting of problems to specific experts.

For the organizers of the event, this phase of the process is stressful because they do not fully know who will participate until a few days prior to the event. Will there be solvers for each of the submitted problems? Will there be enough solvers to make the event a success? In order to reduce this risk and complement the broadcasting strategy, different strategies can be applied, such as offering a reduced fee for students, inviting sponsors to pay for the participation of a specific group of people, or organizing a monetary reward for one of the problems. In our experience, such strategies were useful for initial events, but as more and more people become aware of the Seeking Solutions approach and the results it delivers, the less these strategies are required.

The Seeking Solutions event: The last step is what differentiates the Seeking Solutions approach from other open innovation techniques, because it involves a real event where non-virtual collaboration arises. Solution seekers and problem solvers come together during a full-day session to focus on the selected problems. This last step is crucial; careful preparation is required to ensure maximum output from the event. The opening, or divergence, phase ensures that all the problem solvers understand the problems and that nothing important has been overlooked. Problem solvers are encouraged to ask questions so they fully understand the problems. This phase is significant and should not be rushed; although the event is just getting started, the foundations for later collaboration are being laid and potentially disruptive ideas may even arise at this point.?The second phase involves exploration and emergence: this is the moment where new ideas can arise and where the real collaboration happens. During this phase, the audience is guided with some generic questions from the facilitator, but each group can self-organize and use their time in their own way, depending on the progress being made. To end up with some concrete actions to solve the problems, the last phase helps people to converge. From the new ideas that have been submitted, the group decides which one is the best and how the solution seeker should act to validate it. These three steps seem straightforward, but productive collaboration does not usually happen on its own; experienced facilitators are required.

Have Passion: Passion is an emotion to be acted upon. Without action, passion yields no worthwhile results. Passion is the fuel in the fire of action. When you have passion for something, you love it even when you hate it.

Finding what you are passionate about is a journey in itself. Don’t be frustrated if you don’t feel like you know yet. Keep trying new things. It will come even if you have to build it. If you find your passion, or find yourself hot on its trail, don’t give it up. What if you know what you have a passion for but you don’t do anything about it? This is the main problem with passion. You can have all the passion in the world for something but if you never do anything about it, that passion is useless.

Maybe you work a good job that pays all the bills but it doesn’t allow you to truly follow your passion. You’re afraid of what will happen if you change things up. Yes, change is scary, but it’s not until we leave our comfort zone?that we find what we’ve been missing out on. You’re the author of your life. Don’t settle for the bare minimum just because it’s working out right now. You will never know what you’re truly capable of unless you push yourself. But even when you pursue your passion, you will find yourself tripped up by failures and other obstacles. You can’t let that get to you. It happens to everyone on the path of following their passion. Abe Lincoln had a strong passion for building a great country. You think he let a few failures stop him from that? Don’t let obstacles get you down.

when you are not living your passion, you are living the life that you believe is acceptable to others. Your confidence will suffer when you give into the pressures of society, your friends, and family. This is largely because you are forcing yourself to do something that is of little interest to you.

Those who live their passion have an internal motivation that helps bring balance to their situation. As a result, they will most likely have stressful situations that come and go. A good example would be you have three important projects that need to be completed in the same day. Subsequently, you feel stressed until the day is over. Those who are not living their passion are usually not enjoying their work and find it stressful every day.

By pursuing your passion, you will feel fulfilled in your work. You will no longer feel the need to listen to podcasts and audio-books while working (trying to fill that unfulfilled void). You will have the joy of living your passion, instead of planning to live your passion. There is nothing more rewarding than doing what you were called to do.

Imagine what your life would be like if you pursued all your dreams and passions. Now imagine if you ran into that person and had to explain to him why you did not pursue your passion. This is the real-life conversation most people are having when it is all but too late. Take a risk and bet on yourself. Even if it does not work out exactly as you would have hoped, you will be better for it.

The reason most people do not live their passion is because of the uncertainty surrounding their passion. You may have doubts regarding your ability to succeed financially, professionally, or even emotionally. Sometimes, you are right to think this way. This does not mean you should accept this reality and do nothing about it. Instead, spend some time developing the skill-set needed to accomplish your passion.

To be honest, you are probably going to rub some people the wrong way when you are pursuing your passion. People do not like change and when you change, it could change your relationships. Do not let this be something that will hold you back though. Your growth is tied to your willingness to pursue the beliefs that will enable you to achieve your goal.

When you start living your passion, you are most likely reconnecting with things you loved as a child. By taking a moment and realizing the things you loved before society told you what to love, you are finding a lost piece of yourself. Revisit your childhood joys and take note of what you loved doing. Like me, you may find that you love putting puzzles together. This could speak on your analytical nature and help you understand why you are so passionate about putting things together and solving problems.

Your passion is most likely going to benefit a lot of people. There is something wrong with the world that you believe you can help improve. If more people would live their passion, there is little doubt the world would be a better place. There is a peace and joy that you will find when you are living your passion, and that will rub off on your interactions with others. You may have heard the saying, “hurt people, hurt people”. This means that the person who is bad at your job is most likely dealing with something in their own life.

One of the most fascinating things about living your passion is the freedom and ease of burden. Do not think another moment what your life would be like if you lived your passion. Instead, you need to go out there and start living it. No matter how small the change, you will start to see the benefits discussed. Once you start seeing the benefits, there will be nothing holding you back.

Be Coachable: As a coachable leader, you are passionate about getting clarity on important goals. When the going gets tough (and it often does get difficult to break old behavior patterns, particularly in high stress situations), you have a clear “eye on the prize.” You are willing to discover a clear purpose, a passion for growth, or a set of values that are more important to you than all the internal resistance to change that comes up in the coaching process.

As senior leaders in organizations, we are pulled in lots of urgent and important directions. The people who get the most out of a coaching process are willing to commit to the “work.” The work includes making time for the coaching sessions and following through on the commitments made in each session. Whether that work is to experiment with new behaviors, or to have difficult conversations, highly coachable leaders make their learning and growth a priority.

The people who get the most out of a coaching process are willing to commit to the “work.” The work includes making time for the coaching sessions and following through on the commitments made in each session. Whether that work is to experiment with new behaviors, or to have difficult conversations, you make your learning and growth a priority.

Instead of blaming external circumstances or others for the result in any situation, you are willing to notice your own part in the outcome, and take responsibility for it.

The coaching process works only when you are willing to experiment with new attitudes and behaviors. From this?experimentation, new learning occurs, new neural pathways are established in the brain, and new leadership habits are established.

In our fast-paced, always-on work environments, most of us are on auto-pilot. Coaching requires you to build reflection time in your schedule. You slow down. You notice your impact. You reflect and proactively choose your behavior rather than operating from habit. I recommend a mindfulness and journaling practice to each of my coaching clients because these practices have a demonstrable impact on emotional intelligence and learning capacity.

Practicing new behaviors requires that you step outside your comfort zone and accept some of the not-so-positive parts of yourself, how they impact others, and how they can derail performance. Courage is required to mend broken relationships and to have difficult conversations that are crucial to your impact. Coaching helps you learn how to overcome fears and instead choose values, purpose, and commitment to goals to drive behavior.

Do More Than What’s Required: I think that when we’re successful, our greatest temptation is to enjoy living on the past. We’ve gained a reputation for doing great things, and it’s really easy to “rest on our laurels,” so to speak. We forget how we got our reputation and start putting our energy into guarding it, instead of growing it anew. But we got our reputation by producing, and that’s how we need to build on it. Don’t just protect your reputation for good work. Do better work.

When you receive an assignment, first make sure you understand what all the expectations are. You do this by asking questions on the front end until you know your goals. Then give your best, aiming higher than expected, and creating a positive surprise. After the assignment is completed, ask how you did. I do that with my speaking. I ask the person who brought me in to speak whether my talk was what they desired. And of course, I’m hoping they say that it was more than expected. By asking after the task is done, you’ll get good feedback and discover whether you succeeded in exceeding expectations. This helps you grow and learn how to better serve the leader in the future. Anyone can exceed expectations once in awhile. The trick is to do it consistently. When you avoid relying on reputation, relationships, or respect, and instead ask the right questions, you can establish the habit of exceeding expectations. This will provide joy and fulfillment. Plus, it will probably give you recognition, which only opens the door to more opportunities to impact your world.

Believe in Yourself: Believing in yourself means having confidence in your own abilities. It means being able to trust yourself to do what you say you'll do and knowing that those efforts will result in the desired outcomes. That means that believing in yourself comes from a mixture of several key psychological experiences—experiences like self-worth,?self-confidence,?self-trust, self respect, autonomy, and environmental mastery. Below we'll talk about how to build each of these components of yourself and why doing so can help you believe in yourself more.

When we believe in ourselves, it kicks into gear?all sorts of psychological processes that help us achieve our goals, manifest our dreams, and increase our well-being. But the flip side is also true. Lack of self-confidence or lack of belief in ourselves means we are less likely to act, to change, or to push to make things better. As a result, when we expect to fail, we are actually more likely to fail. believing in yourself includes things like?self-worth, self-confidence,?self-trust, autonomy, and environmental mastery. These concepts are related?but different. So I think it's useful to learn about each of them. That way, we can explore which parts we struggle with and take more efficient?action to start believing?in ourselves more.

If you don’t believe you’re worthy, neither will other people. You have to suspend your disbelief and take the leap to act like you believe in yourself, first. You'll see yourself through new eyes and so will other people. Negativity begets negativity. That’s why you should flip the script. When you show more positivity, you’ll attract more positive people in your life.

You’ll encounter all sorts of obstacles in life. You’ll feel tired, wary, and want to quit. But if you believe in yourself, you’ll look back on all your previous successes and remember that better is possible.

Mastery is all about taking effective action to achieve?the results you want. If we've failed in the past or struggled to achieve?the goals we've set for ourselves despite doing?our best, we might not believe?in our ability to do what we set our minds to. We might not believe we can do it because?in the past we didn't do it. And that's totally understandable.?If we struggle here, we might have a nagging feeling that our best isn't good enough.

Tips to start building trust within yourself:

  • Do what you say you're going to do.?Maybe this means reducing your number of commitments, learning to say "no," or setting stronger boundaries. Experiment if you need to see what you need to do to stick to your word.
  • Be honest with yourself.?Engage in self-reflection to get to the truth of what you really think, feel, and need in life. Try not to focus so much on what other people want you to do.
  • Do what you believe is right.?Live your values and follow your inner compass. If you're on a path that is true to you, then it'll likely be easier to believe in your ability to walk it.
  • Be clear.?Get clearer about who you are and what you want. Know the things you are willing to do and the things you are not. That way you can trust yourself to make good decisions and communicate them effectively.

Remember, roadblocks aren’t permanent obstacles — there’s always a way past?them. Try these strategies:

  • Think positively:?Your thoughts make up a large part of who you are and what you do. Believing in yourself and your abilities to tackle any hurdle is an essential step to beating whatever you’re up against.?
  • Visualize where you want to be:?This will keep you motivated, even when things look bleak and self-doubt sets in. While you can’t change the past, you can make a better future. Whatever you want to do is possible.?
  • Take action:?Thinking and “talking the talk” are important but eventually, you must “walk the walk.” You’ll feel better about yourself and your skills as you make progress and see the rewards that arise from the work you’re putting in to make a change.?


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