Learning German : Day 11

Learning German : Day 11

Yesterday overall felt the quality of the learning have been reduced to quantity, today's plan is focussed on improving quality and creating more intense and challenging task.

  • Actively listen to a Podcast 30 minutes.
  • Work on pronunciation and work on acquired vocabulary's pronunciation, yesterday counted the total word till date, it was 60, plus a few repeating words I am able to identify other than this. So instead of exponentially increasing, bringing down additions slowly, and focussing on the quality of the acquired words and another aspect noticed is, word acquisition is happening without knowing to.
  • Work on sentence construction, I am not sure if this is the right way to progress in a language, but I am struggling to create sentence, so a hunch is that it is a bottle neck, so a focussed working is going to dedicate to this activity.
  • Read more about German Grammar and build a data base, just like on the word file build, for better documentation going to create grammar reference into a single sheet, so that it can be referred and repeated.
  • In conversation, for last few day's I was making AI write imaginary conversations and trying to repeat the same, so today onwards, I will create simple six exchange conversations with available vocabulary, and then AI to correct the same.



Since today's activities started early and there was ample amount of time, so choose a newsfeed of 29:49 Minutes and I watched half of it and then listened. a probably a relisten will be done too.

Context of the talk was more of recent political happening relevant to Germany, Ukraine war, use of weapons, so on. Since it was about politics more or less, its undeniably easy to listen to, not the complexity, but bombardment of similar words when they speak about politics and related acts. (to English)

Writing Conversation


John : Hey , Frau Mary! Guten Morgen

Mary : Hey, Herr John! Guten Morgen

John : Ich sehe einem katze fahren auto

Mary : Wunderbar! John, Trink Bier!! nacht

John : Ja Frau Mary! Ich Trinke Bier

Mary ; Gluck! dir sehe wunderbar! fahrens!

John : Gluck frau Mary!

Mary : Schon Tag Herr John.


Let's break down each sentence and identify the errors:

John: Hey, Frau Mary! Guten Morgen!

  • This sentence is correct.

Mary: Hey, Herr John! Guten Morgen!

  • This sentence is also correct.

John: Ich sehe eine Katze, die Auto f?hrt.

  • This sentence is grammatically correct, but it's a rather unusual statement! Cats don't typically drive cars. If you meant to say you saw a cat in a car, you could say "Ich sehe eine Katze im Auto."

Mary: Wunderbar! John, trink Bier! Gute Nacht!

  • "Wunderbar!" (Wonderful!) and "trink Bier!" (drink beer!) are fine. However, "Gute Nacht!" (Good night!) is used when saying goodbye in the evening. Since it's morning, a more appropriate response would be "Guten Tag!" (Good day!) or "Viel Spa?!" (Have fun!).

John: Ja, Frau Mary! Ich trinke Bier.

  • This sentence is correct.

Mary: Viel Glück! Du siehst wunderbar aus! Viel Spa? beim Fahren!

  • This sentence is correct, but it might be slightly confusing since John didn't mention driving anywhere. If you meant to wish him a good day in general, you could say "Viel Glück! Du siehst wunderbar aus! Ich wünsche dir einen sch?nen Tag!" (Good luck! You look wonderful! I wish you a nice day!)

John: Danke, Frau Mary!

  • This sentence is correct.

Mary: Sch?nen Tag noch, Herr John.

  • This sentence is correct and a good way to end the conversation.

My review : The sentences were constructed without referring to vocabulary file, constructed with from words I randomly choose from memory, Result surprised me, but I think this could also mean, I am not trying enough, so should try more complex ideas in a conversation. But on a confidence building front , this seems good.

There are some nuance in writing german, like I think the orthography differs from normal keyboard, there must be some solution for it.

Writing a paragraph

Ich gehe Delhi. Ich sehe Tajamahal. Die Tajmahal wunderbar. Ich sehe guten mobilitat. Frau Mary sag "Katze.. Katze..". Denn Hund kommen und angst Frau mary. Herr Robert trink tee. Tee herr heiBen Amar. Das ist Schon tag. Frau Mary Geburstsland Austria, Herr Rober geburtsland america. Frau mary trinke kaffee. Herr robert lerne Hindi. Frau Maru lerne Kannada. Herr Robert Fahren auto auf delhi.

Corrections Review

Corrected Paragraph:

Ich gehe nach Delhi. Ich sehe das Taj Mahal. Das Taj Mahal ist wunderbar. Ich sehe gute Mobilit?t. Frau Mary sagt "Katze... Katze...". Dann kommt ein Hund und Frau Mary hat Angst. Herr Robert trinkt Tee. Herr Roberts Tee hei?t Amar. Das ist ein sch?ner Tag. Frau Marys Geburtsland ist ?sterreich, Herr Roberts Geburtsland ist Amerika. Frau Mary trinkt Kaffee. Herr Robert lernt Hindi. Frau Mary lernt Kannada. Herr Robert f?hrt mit dem Auto nach Delhi.

Mistakes and Corrections:

  1. Ich gehe Delhi: You need the preposition "nach" (to) when indicating a destination: "Ich gehe nach Delhi."

Okay, to was missing. "nach"

  1. Ich sehe Tajamahal: The Taj Mahal is a specific monument, so it needs the definite article "das": "Ich sehe das Taj Mahal."

das , got it.

  1. Die Tajmahal wunderbar: The Taj Mahal is neuter, so the article should be "das," and you need the verb "ist" (is): "Das Taj Mahal ist wunderbar."

das is for neutral, so die is for ? plural i think, More clarity required here.

  1. Ich sehe guten mobilitat: "Mobilit?t" (mobility) is a feminine noun, so the article should be "gute": "Ich sehe gute Mobilit?t."

Oh.. so guten is masculine. This part seems bit hard to easily digest, I think it need to be improved.

  1. Frau Mary sag "Katze.. Katze..": The verb "sagen" (to say) needs to be conjugated to "sagt" in the third person singular: "Frau Mary sagt "Katze... Katze...""

Mistake due to no idea about different senses of verbs.

  1. Denn Hund kommen und angst Frau mary: You need the indefinite article "ein" (a) before "Hund" (dog), and the verb "haben" (to have) is needed for "Angst" (fear): "Dann kommt ein Hund und Frau Mary hat Angst."

okay... noted..

  1. Herr Robert trink tee: The verb "trinken" (to drink) needs to be conjugated to "trinkt" in the third person singular: "Herr Robert trinkt Tee."

I have no clue on this, so need to learn.

  1. Tee herr heiBen Amar: This sentence needs to be restructured. You can say "Herr Roberts Tee hei?t Amar" (Mr. Robert's tea is called Amar).

Actually, What I meant was tea seller is named Amar. But okay.

  1. Das ist Schon tag: You need the indefinite article "ein" (a) and the adjective "sch?n" (beautiful): "Das ist ein sch?ner Tag."

This one is a nuance.

  1. Frau Mary Geburstsland Austria, Herr Rober geburtsland america: You need the possessive "s" and the verb "ist" (is) for both: "Frau Marys Geburtsland ist ?sterreich, Herr Roberts Geburtsland ist Amerika."

Okay noted.

  1. Frau mary trinke kaffee: The verb "trinken" needs to be conjugated to "trinkt": "Frau Mary trinkt Kaffee."

This one need to be learned.

  1. Herr robert lerne Hindi: The verb "lernen" (to learn) needs to be conjugated to "lernt": "Herr Robert lernt Hindi."

It is confirmed , I have no clue on different tenses of the word.

  1. Frau Maru lerne Kannada: It seems like there's a typo in the name. Assuming it's "Frau Mary," the verb "lernen" needs to be conjugated: "Frau Mary lernt Kannada."

Okay noted.

  1. Herr Robert Fahren auto auf delhi: You need the preposition "mit" (with) and the article "dem" (the) before "Auto" (car), and the preposition "nach" (to) before "Delhi": "Herr Robert f?hrt mit dem Auto nach Delhi."


Today, I stumbled upon some free PDFs and audio resources for learning German. I'll give them a read-through and see if they offer any fresh ideas to incorporate into my studies. Speaking and writing still feel like the most authentic way to learn, and I've started practicing voicing random thoughts in German – challenging but fun!

The learning process feels much more comfortable now than when I first began. That initial surge of excitement has settled, and I'm facing the reality of consistent effort. But the early momentum propelled me forward, and now I'm focusing on refining my skills.

I'm also trying to immerse myself more in German content on YouTube and 9GAG, and YouTube seems to have caught on to my preferences. I'm now getting about 3 to 4 German language suggestions out of every 10 recommendations.

I plan to watch a German movie in weekend as well, let's see how it goes.

PS : I dont still think this is a good way to learn a new language, but I must say, it is working in a sort of strange way.












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