Learning from Writing in 2021

Learning from Writing in 2021

At the end of 2020, I picked up a one-year challenge to help with my passion in building culture from someone who knew me well and was a writer.?Having to deliver contents on schedule for a year was not easy, but it was absolutely worth it. It allowed me to structure my unstructured thoughts, thought of new contents, and captured them forever for me and others.

“Putting your thoughts down will help to crystallize them and some people may benefit from hearing about them too.”

As a person with always-striving-to-improve mentality, I thought of improvements naturally almost at every moment of my waking hours. I was actively working on those that were within my control and trying my best to influence those that are outside. However, these improvement thoughts were all only in my head and unfortunately I forgot most of them already. Although I was not a writer, if writing my thoughts down would help with my passion in building culture and save them, I would.

My commitments in the beginning of this challenge:

  1. LinkedIn is the platform to carry out this challenge.
  2. Post 3 times a week, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday?
  3. The primary audience for this challenge is myself. If in the process, it helps others, it is a bonus.

A year later, not only I accomplished my goals, but I also had so many learnings that I did not even anticipate in the beginning. I managed to capture them in the form of 165 posts (and 12 articles that I picked up once per month as an additional challenge). Hopefully along the way, some of these posts impact at least one person out there.

Thanks LinkedIn for building a social network platform for professionals. I had the opportunity to learn from and connect with many great minds. It is also a good tool to build a library of thoughts, inspirations, and notable conversations, in addition to the key role it plays in helping people finding jobs.

Initially, I thought that I had so many thoughts that I could post everyday, even multiple times a day. Then I realized that it would be better to set an achievable goal at first that could always be surpassed rather than over-promising-under-delivering. Having to juggle between a busy life and nurturing this new habit that was not my strength, 3 times a week was the right level of commitment for me.

Another challenge that I faced a few times during this challenge was thinking about what others would think about the posts, “is it clear, relevant, unpopular, etc.?” This made what was already technically challenging to begin with even harder, so I often had to remind myself of the primary audience and goal of the challenge. The primary audience was myself and the goal was to capture thoughts and ideas that my future self could revisit in times of doubt and needing inspiration.

If you are still looking for a new resolution for 2022, writing down your thoughts in a public forum like LinkedIn is a good goal.

Thanks for reading

- Kevin Wiramihardja

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