Learning From War
Peter Jarman FRSA
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Exploring life through the lens of military strategy, emphasising the importance of having reserves—be it diverse skills, a supportive network, or adaptability—to navigate the unpredictable nature of society, career paths, and personal decisions.
Life often feels like a battlefield where we encounter unexpected challenges and make certain choices that can shape our entire journey. I am taking my cue from the military and have decided to explore how the concept of having reserves in warfare can teach us about handling the uncertainties of society, our professional careers, and life decisions. I say this as a layman and through my past-time fascination with Napoleonic wargaming and Kriegsspiel.
Society therefore, is like a battlefield, because the landscape is always changing, sometimes it’s friendly, and sometimes, if not often hostile. In the military, it is my understanding that reserves are used as a backup force ready for any unexpected challenges. Similarly, in life, having a backup plan, or a diverse set of skills, or a supportive network, and an open mind is crucial to cope with the unexpected. Being flexible and resilient is like having a reserve force on tap to face the uncertainties that we experience in the world.
In the military, strategic planning is crucial, and reserves are essential for tackling unforeseen and anticipated circumstances. In our professional lives, this translates to diversifying our skills and staying updated to remain on the same career path. Just as the military adapts to new technologies, professionals must embrace continuous learning to stay ahead in their careers.
Life choices and the decisions we make along the way therefore, shape our future. The need for reserves in warfare highlights the importance of having backup plans. Similarly, in life, having a diverse skill set, a strong support system, and the ability to adapt are like having reserves when faced with unexpected turns or gaps in a particular field.
In our daily lives, these principles of war and reserves are relevant. Whether in society, careers, or life decisions, being adaptable and building reserves is essential for success. Personally, I've found that maintaining a diverse skill set, being creative, staying connected with others, and staying open to new opportunities have helped me navigate life's twists and turns so far.
Even in the world of finance, the concept of hedging one's bets is akin to the strategic deployment of reserves in various aspects of life. Much like a financial strategy that involves minimising risks by diversifying investments, individuals can hedge their bets in life by cultivating a range of skills and building a robust support network. This proactive approach acts as a hedge against unforeseen challenges, ensuring that no matter which way the wind blows, there are reserves in place to soften the impact.
By adopting this approach, you can create a safety net that allows you to navigate uncertainties with greater confidence, just as investors mitigate risks by diversifying their investments, I guess. Hedging one's bets in life involves anticipating and being prepared for the unexpected, fostering resilience, and ensuring that a well-rounded set of reserves is ready to meet the challenges in the battlefield.
So, life is a journey, and it is indeed riddled with challenges. Taking inspiration from my limited understanding of the military but mostly, my past-time Kriegsspiel interest, and also what I have experienced in life over the past decade is that the concept of reserves teaches me a valuable lesson about success in society, the career paths we take, and in all our life decisions. Embracing adaptability, cultivating diverse skills, and building a strong support system acts as reserves that empower us to face the uncertainties of our personal and professional life.
Society mirrors the unpredictability of a battlefield, and just as the military strategically deploys reserves to counter unexpected challenges, and investors hedge their bets to minimise risk, individuals too must adopt a mindset of preparedness. Whether in our careers, society, or personal choices, maintaining adaptability, fostering diverse skills, and building a robust support system acts as our reserves, ready to face the unforeseen twists and turns of life.