Learning from Martin Luther King Speech- Blue Print
Neeraj Vaidya,CFA
Global Leader | Growth Mindset Advocate | Fitness Enthusiast | Life Coach
Martin Luther King Jr, one of the rare Leaders in the History of Human Kind. I am deeply impressed by his Lifelong Values, Struggle, Commitment, Focus on Excellence, etc
Here are my Top 3 Takes from Martin Luther King Jr Speech:
- Always Remember You Are Somebody: This is not out of arrogance but from the perspective of Self Respect. You should not allow anyone to determine your value or worth.
- Drive for Excellence: Try to be the best in whichever field you are in. No work is big or small. Even if you are sweeping Street, do it so well as Beethoven composes its music or Shakespeare's wrote poetry.
- Believe in Value & Life Long Principles: Take responsibility to make Life better for everyone. Two instances mentioned here touched me deeply 1) Don't hate anyone if they made you feel nobody. You have a higher responsibility to improve the situation instead of hating someone else. 2) Take Higher Responsibility for your Struggle and Dreams.