Learning from failure...
Image Credit @ Sagar Pardeshi.

Learning from failure...

Hi there, this article is a little bit off track, it's a collection of my personal opinions out of some good and some bad experiences.

Therefore I suggest you read this when you've time and with a calm mind.

I'm hopeful that you'll learn something good from my experiences and it's even better if it helps you in some way!

Born in 80's I've grown up in an environment where I've been taught to keep values, morals, and loyalty above everything. Sounds too much... right? I live that way. But living this way comes with a certain cost!

I had hard times while getting over my inabilities due to a lack of resources. And that resulted in tremendous mental/economic/emotional pain over time. But I always got some help from the people around. And that "Help" exists in the form of actual help and in some cases as "Lessons".

What I'm talking about is, do these things such as values/morals/loyalty rewards in professional life?

Yes, they do! But there are a few things we should keep in mind.

When you think about being loyal - be loyal with your own values/morals and not with people. Keep your beliefs at high standards. In professional life being loyal with someone else might not be helpful all the time.

Getting attached to teams, people or places will cause you pain while moving on. Getting attached to your success or achievements might bring pain when you lose them! Instead, get attached to your abilities or skills which brought you these successes/achievements.

You may lose your success, you may lose your achievements. But you'll never lose your "skills". Make sure you're able to keep improving them from time to time. Make sure that you never lose your command over your skills. This will help you when you've to start everything from the beginning.

Put yourself first. Now that does not mean not to value someone else. But while dedicating ourselves with any organizational goal we must not put ourselves into situations where we might lose our peace of mind. It won't help to gain expected results. Rather it might make you go down! While working one must think what he/she might learn from those challenges given to face? Are they going to help you to grow? You must think about it.

Avoid your comfort zone! This is the most dangerous thing if you're willing to gain growth.

Avoid trusting too much into someone else's vision of your life! Just because you're given with more privileges at the times doesn't guarantee that you're going to have them forever! The day you'll choose to be specific, things will change!

Be sure to have your own roadmap for your career and success. For that, don't rely on someone else.

Be diplomatic and friendly with everyone regardless of the differences! I failed to understand this during the initial days of my career and it was the biggest mistake I did. I kept damaging my relations with potential people around me in order to keep those which I thought will never change! Try to avoid favoritism. Every person and their opinion counts! And you never know whom you might need/can help you in the future. Be diplomatic and learn to be neutral whenever required. There is nothing bad to be selfish at a certain level.

While working with people, it's natural to care for them and stand by their side when they need it. But hey! hold your horses and learn to limit yourself in this regard. It's the real pain when you find yourself alone when you need someone by your side.

Expectations- keep them practical. Apart from your family, genuine friends (if you've any) NO ONE is going to favor you for nothing! Remember that and act accordingly.

Try to keep your productivity intact despite tensed situations. Because when you'll need to defend yourself only that thing will be your shield and might save you from many verbal, decisional attacks.

Don't be ambiguous about your own career path, and your definition of success. Be clear on that front and DO NOT hesitate to speak about them. Be loud for what you want to accept and what you want to do. When we keep accepting others' decisions without questioning them based on facts, we're allowing them to "use us" and at some point, we cannot blame anyone because we're the ones who "accepted" those things.

Business doesn't run on sentiments and therefore, remember, you'll get nothing out of sentiments. What you get is directly proportional to what you can do/bring. And therefore choose to do which is aligned with your core skills and will help you to get other opportunities whenever you're into a situation to find them somewhere else.

Trust the people for who they really are when they show that through their actions at the very first time.

Trust/Faith/Hope can be positive or "false positive". Let's not talk about negativity... it's enough already out there in the world. What I mean by "positive or false positive" is - Positive means it actually exists and stays for a longer time. "False positive" means it was there but it changes over time due to situations/ un-fulfilled expectations from both ends. We must focus on building "Positive" trust/faith/hope with the people around us.

In your worst times, you should focus on learnings rather than crying over losses. Because it's the time when you can figure out who you really are and what you really should do in order to get over the failures and bad situations.

Remember, if do not perform you don't deserve the job.. and therefore DO NOT lose your focus from the results otherwise it will bring your performance down.. and eventually it will lead you to the situation where you never wanted to be!

These thoughts might seem very scattered or out of the context at first glance but try to think and relate if possible. I'm asking for this because "Understanding is much deeper than just knowing".

I'm not a professional writer. Therefore, kindly ignore if there are any mistakes.

I'm learning from my own failures and wrong decisions with the willingness to become a better version of myself.

I hope you might also have found something good from this article.

Stay Safe, and rise stronger than ever before.


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