Learning from the Early Adoption of AI
Four years ago, I posted some thoughts regarding the increased debate about Artificial Intelligence and its implication to the world of intelligent human work [1]. It was clear then that exactly how we apply Artificial Intelligence and its supporting constituents will continue to be debated for years to come as more critical decisions begin to depend on the expanding ocean of digital data and the associated push for automated decisions . The argument for total automation continues to be that human beings cannot cope with the real time assimilation of such massive streams of data generated by digital transformation and the subsequent device connectivity. On the one hand, the cognitive power of automated machines is meant to replicate human cognition. On the other hand, that very cognition is programmed into the machine by human designers – or more accurately some selected set of human designers. As with any innovative technology that presents enormous potential, the focus should be to identify the boundaries of its application to specific environments instead of rejecting it outright. Hence the effort has been to continue to increase AI’s exposure to lead users in diverse environments along with parallel efforts by developers to make these tools more user-friendly and usable. Today, 4 years later, the intense scrutiny of AI as a disruptive force continues unabated, even as the technology backbone has grown dramatically to better support the vision of AI proponents. During this time, the ongoing effort to evangelize the use of these tools continues to provide more clarity on what might be valuable use of the technology and what would not.
The Convergence of Big Data (BD), Machine Learning (ML), and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Early in the last decade, there was an emerging need to manage enormous quantities of diverse data, which was the direct effect of the computer and internet revolution that began two decades earlier. The exponential growth in data resulted from the dramatic increase in usage of personal digital devices for routine consumer interactions in the personal and retail space [2]. The specialized management of such data called Big Data became the central problem to be solved. Addressing this challenge was essential so that comprehensive decision-making could become a reality for all types of digital commerce, especially in the business to consumer space. Now, a decade later, Big Data (BD), Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have entered into the mainstream of decision-making. These tools are developed to consume Big Data as an ever increasing raw material, which is then efficiently processed into information and knowledge that supports both tactical and strategic decisions.
The Adoption of BD-ML-AI beyond Consumer and Retail spaces
Confined to the retail and personal consumer space no more, Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence are now being applied within a broader set of mainstream industries. These industries are characterized by scientific, engineering, and manufacturing data, which has become increasingly digitized in the last few decades. As a result, device-to-device (machine-to-machine) interactions that promote increased automation in these scientific and industrial environments in order to drive productivity. The Internet of Things (IOT) and Industry 4.0 are examples of complex device and machine environments. Execution of these strategies depends on the algorithms and the knowledge backbone that would allow these machines to learn and evolve, which is an important step towards the AI vision of total autonomy. In this scenario, the success of the Network of Machines is currently being measured by the “Ethics of the Factory”, namely the quality, reliability, and compliance of the network as it relates to production and product. In many ways, the scenario of autonomous machine-to-machine interactions in a network can be considered to be a meaningful and attainable objective for AI. What cannot be completely avoided, however, are human–device interactions and the need for human cognition at critical nodes of such complex environments.
The Role of Humans in the Adoption of BD-ML-AI
Data produced and exchanged by autonomous machines is nothing new and has been employed extensively in the industrial era, which emphasized productivity through the employment of science, engineering and technology. The digital era and the subsequent expansion of connectivity have expanded machine-to-machine data transactions. In the industrial factory scenario, there is no debate of the effect of front end human programming to make sense of the large quantities of machine data. This data is of the machine by the machine and for the machine and is governed by the structured laws of science and technology. Therefore, unlike subjective and unstructured data in the consumer and retail space, machine data is not burdened by concerns of subjectivity in the front-end programming related to data management. However, on the back-end, the factory use of AI raises significant concerns. These concerns would arise from any diminished engagement of human cognition during factory decisions that impact the more socially relevant outcomes, like employment, safety, environment, and ethics.
Currently, it is difficult to envision a multi-billion dollar factory that can run without any human engagement. At best, such large scale production systems can be viewed as semi-autonomous systems. Intelligent systems targeted for industrial settings need to accommodate human and machine interactions, as well as the higher level of subjectivity involved. However, this requirement appears to conflict with the core construct of AI, namely to enable total automation. If this conflict is true, it is also conceivable that any subjectivity caused by human interaction would cause a breakdown in the underlying AI model or, at the very least, result in an unacceptable level of error and latency. If the perceived conflict is false then a pertinent question arises: How does the underlying AI model combine machine-to-machine learning and real human engagement for effectively application within real semi-automated productive environments?
I am interested in your insights related to the thoughts mentioned above. In the meantime, I continue to explore these topics and will post a follow-up in the near future.
[1] https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/artificial-intelligence-threat-human-lester-d-cruz/
[2] Fernando Iafrate, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data: The Birth of a new Intelligence, ISTE Ltd & John Wiley and Son, Ltd (2018)