Learning from books...(or, Kickstarter Day 2)
Thank you everyone for an amazing first day on Kickstarter! It was really heartening to hear how many people aren't satisfied with the books they get recommended, and how hungry people are to read great books. Yesterday we got to almost 10% of our goal. 29 days to go. I'm really excited to get this show on the road!
The book pictured above is The Conquest of Gaul, by Julius Caesar, which I read awhile back in Hawaii. It's amazing to me that such a figure of legend wrote a book, and that I can read it and learn from it. One thing I took away was how much of victory in war was simply a matter of working hard before battle, a lesson that is particularly relevant to me today!
Some book trivia: did you know that Lucius Vorenus & Titus Pullo, the main characters in the HBO series ROME, are in fact line soldiers mentioned by name by Caesar in The Conquest of Gaul?)
Again, thank you.