Learning from 102 Not Out
Vatsal Shah
Business Catalyst, Transformer & Speaker | Vice President - Magento Association
I saw 102 Not Out, a fantastic movie by Umesh Shukla and powered by magical performances of Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor, and observed some of the fine points which we shall include in our life... They are as below,
1 - Whatever the age can be, one must have inspiring and motivating goals
In the movie, at 102 years, to stay motivated Amitabh Bachchan, brings an image of a person who holds a record for longest life. And creates own goal to stay happy for more 16 years. That was a shock for a son who was 76. A fantastic example of self-motivation and setting standards...
2 - Love is a very strong feeling. Continue loving yourself to stay alive and kicking...
Most of the people lose hope with ageing and stop loving them self. They live for sympathy and love from next generation. But to have self-esteem and loving self is the only solution to stay alive and kicking at any age. With or without people you can stay happy with yourself.
3 - Learn to share your feelings and emotions, even with someone who holds more power...
Sharing of own emotions and expressing self fully is needed. Sometimes we hide our emotions and don't communicate what we want to... Communicating it in whatever form opens a door for next conversation. Keep communicating...
4 - Retrospection - to remember your journey and acknowledge what you had
It is important that after each milestone in life, we retrospect sweet/bitter memories... Acknowledge self for what is done and not done... Being 'OK' with self and situations gives the power to go ahead in life... Remembering people for sweet memories and their contributions instead of being critical...
5 - Strong leaders, don't pass pressure but train successors in managing it
In the movie, an old man with age 102 comes to know that he will die soon. He decided not to share this news with son and family members. Instead, he created a plan to make his successor capable to handle life without him. This is a sign of a strong leader, who pass on legacy, art and skills to the successor. Till last moment, he kept his illness a secret to avoid passing pressure to next one. Once he found him capable, shared his actual situation.
6 - Stay alive till last day
Staying alive, happy and continue contributing is a key to making life worth living. We see many people around living pitiful life. Like you others also like happy people around... Don't bug others with your bad attitude/mood. Take moments lightly, staying heavy will reduce your life and happiness.
7 - Emotional Intelligence is a key
It is important to learn psychology, organization behaviour, and people skill to understand people around. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a key to understand/predict next moves of people around, stay prepared as the decision maker and make right choices.
Share your learning from the movie... Keep sharing...
Vatsal Shah (Thinker, Business Coach, Mentor and Writer - Pragmatic Consultancy)