Learning to Fly Non-Casual: Tips for Nonprofit Marketing
There's a scene in Return of the Jedi when Han Solo and a band of Rebels are attempting to fly a stolen Imperial space shuttle across enemy lines. While waiting for clearance to proceed past an enemy checkpoint, Han instructs his fantastically hirsute co-pilot, Chewbacca, to "Fly casual."
How does one "fly casual?" Chewie didn't know. Nobody knows. But thousands upon thousands of nonprofit organizations attempt to fly casual every day, looking to marshal support without looking like they are marshaling support. It's a modest look nobody can bring off.
As a citizen of advertising, I've worked with nonprofits for better than 20 years. I like the people. I like the causes. But it's the challenge that compels me most.
Flying non casual is just one challenge to overcome. The primary challenger is the world herself: typhoons, economic downturns, famines, pandemics, war, tornadoes, you name it. Whatever calamity rises to the top pushes everybody else down the giving totem pole.
As a nonprofit, you have to ABDV: Always Be Demonstrating Value. People need to understand your role in society's fabric, and know that it is vital – 360 days out of the year. There's no off-season for nonprofits. With a modest budget and a small staff, marketing your good may seem challenging. I have recommendations.
- Convert Your Supporters to Ambassadors. Often, nonprofits are just grateful for your time or money. But a supporter's blessing is just as valuable. Reach out to your biggest supporters – board members, donors, volunteers – and ask them to endorse your cause to friends and colleagues. Supply them with talking points and materials. They're already all-in. Let them know that their voice is important.
- Remember Who Loves Ya, Baby. Too often, the emails you've collected from donors and assorted supporters are forgotten. That's bad business. As it is for nearly all industries, 80% of nonprofit business is from repeat business. MailChimp or Constant Contact are inexpensive tools connect you with supporters, influencers, and stakeholders. Keep them involved and motivated with eBlasts.
- There Is No Old News. Many nonprofits maintain a social media account, often on multiple platforms. You may be in the bad habit of positing news and updates once, then never again. Organic algorithms laugh at your modesty. Your one post was seen by a handful of people, and is now lost forever in the digital ether. Avoid this tragedy by deploying the following formula: Post, post, re-post, re-post the repost, then post again. It may be monotonous to you, but you're likely reaching someone new with every send.
Jeremy Harper is Chief Instigator for Storm the Castle Creative. He works with an assorted potpourri of brands, businesses and nonprofits while also maintaining the soft physique of a middle-aged dad.