The Learning Environment for Nursing Students
Competency 1: Appraise the influence of the learner's culture, gender, and experiences on teaching and learning.?Describe the most appropriate learning environment for an intended topic and audience.
I will be teaching nursing programs at the associate and bachelor levels, and the specific topic chosen for this assignment is mental health. The intended audience is nursing students. Clinical learning is crucial for nursing students to perform professional duties. It is the testing ground where the learners get in touch with the reality of patient care. A conducive learning environment for nurses is when students receive a complete understanding of learning opportunities to become professional nurses (Chiona, 2020). A positive clinical learning experience refers to a learning experience that offers learners grounds to practice the theoretical knowledge in class in real-world situations. It further gives students opportunities to develop interpersonal skills and practice patient-centered care. An appropriate learning environment for the chosen course comprises four attributes according to (Flott, & Linden, 2016); (1) the physical space, (2) teaching and learning components, (3) organizational culture, and (4) psychosocial and interaction elements. The four attributes determine the learning outcomes, students' confidence, satisfaction, and preparation for practice in the real world. Nursing students’ satisfaction with the learning environments is described using three distinct constructs according to (Papastavrou et al., 2016); (1) Personal interests and teamwork, (2) supervisory relationship constructs that build trust, continual feedback, and equality, (3) leadership style that is a reflection of staff, students and the school managers. The instructors are called upon to create an environment that offers students a positive clinical learning experience.
Competency 2: Apply educational theory and evidence-based teaching practices when implementing teaching strategies.?Evaluate the applicability of classroom management and learner motivation theories to a specific course.
Classroom management is an integral part of proper teaching. Proper management of the classroom starts with good preparation of the lesson plan. Classroom management presents learners with a chance to interact with colleagues and teach the course (Ahmad, 2010). Classroom management entails engaging instruction and ensuring preventive discipline among the students. Classroom management is vital in motivating students to keep up their work through feedback and disruptive behaviour. Chaos is witnessed whenever there are no rules and guidelines directing students to behave in class (Ahmad, 2010). Instructors can manage the courses by using various verbal and physical strategies, for instance, the instructional approach, desist approach, and self-discipline approach (Lacey, 2018). The self-discipline approach calls upon students to reflect upon and mind their behaviours to benefit themselves and of other class users. In this case, instructors exhibit trust, acceptance, respect, realness, and empathy toward establishing working instructor-student associations. Instructional approaches prevent management problems by actively engaging the students to meet their needs, interests, and abilities. In this case, instructions motivate students to attend classes, participate in group activities, and mind their behaviours both in class and outside the class. The desist approach offers the instructors full responsibility to regulate the actions and behaviours in the class. It is achieved through rules. It is the most widely used technique. Excellent class management creates an upbeat class climate that motivates students to perform well because they feel cared for and involved.
Motivation and the learning process significantly go hand in hand. Motivation is the core of human being's aspirations and achievements. Motivation is vital to the success of education because learning is a continuous process that requires motivation. Motivation encourages learners to face challenges (Gopalan et al., 2017). It is built by fantasy, curiosity, competition, cooperation, challenge, control, and recognition. Motivation comprises intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors. Intrinsic motivation means yearning for something that is down for personal fulfilment without external impact. It comes inside an individual. Intrinsic motivation triggers personal contentment through control, fantasy, curiosity, and challenge. Motivation to learn requires positive power and a positive attitude for a student to remain sustained in education. Academic achievement and intrinsic motivation have crucial bonds because they inspire the learner to solve challenges and face competition in satisfying the inner self (Gopalan et al., 2017). Extrinsic motivation demonstrates external activities such as the compulsion to get rewarded. It comes from outside of the individual. Students require high motivation to deal with challenges and understand the learning process. Self-motivation to learn and the love for learning come from intrinsic motivation, while extrinsic motivation brings the need to pursue learning because there are awards or other external forces.
·???????? Competency 3: Apply various teaching strategies appropriate to diverse learner needs, content, and desired learner outcomes. Describe evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation in diverse settings.
This section will discuss three approaches or frameworks that can motivate learners to yearn for education. These are; the expectation-value-cost incentivizing behavior model, instructional concept model ARCS, and self-determination theory (Yarborough & Fedesco, 2020). First, the expectation-value-cost incentivizing behaviour model, expectancy-value, can predict students' success patterns in an educational environment. The model comprises three significant determinants of student motivation. These factors are expectancy, value, and cost (Yarborough & Fedesco, 2020). First, expectancy refers to the student's appreciation that class assignments should be completed correctly. It excites students because it motivates them to achieve the course's learning objectives. Second, value necessitates the student's capability to assess the value of a given assignment. It emphasizes the significance of the assignment or activity for students to understand the course. Third, cost refers to obstacles that prevent a student from completing a task or the course in general. Students may have high mission worth and high achievement expectations, determined by expectancy, value, and cost.
Second, the ARCS is founded on an expectation-value system. This model seeks to inspire instructors to recognize approaches that can improve students' motivation. ARCS is a four-factor acronym that affects student motivation. These four factors are; attention, meaning, relevance, and satisfaction (Yarborough & Fedesco, 2020). Focus aids in sustaining student interest by targeting appropriate triggers that can keep student-focused, for instance, class exercises. Meaning involves connecting teaching practices to current and future job prospects. Relevance demonstrates that studying is rewarding because it meets students' psychological needs. Relevance consists of convincing students to achieve goals if they try hard enough to achieve specific grades. Last but not least, satisfaction is achieved by empowering students to take ownership of their learning experience.
Third, self-determination theory (SDT) is a comprehensive theory of human motivation, emotion, and development. SDT considers the influences that affect intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation stimulate students’ progress to pursue interests in education (Ryan & Deci, 2017). Human motivation is guided by the need to achieve three essential factors; psychological autonomy, competence, and relationships. Autonomy describes the capacity to understand one's behaviours and the conviction that choices are the product of internal influence rather than external coercion or persuasion. Competence is the ability to see one's behaviours or actions as beneficial. Students feel better when they understand skills and comprehension of course content. Relationships are about having a sense of self and being connected to others. It is accomplished by interactions that allow class members to develop relationships with colleagues (Ryan & Deci, 2017). A conducive learning atmosphere provides sufficient resources to fulfil both internal and external needs.
·???????? Competency 4: Integrate best practices for classroom management.?Describe evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management.
A classroom is an atmosphere in itself, comprising instructors, learners, relationships, furniture, books, and various events, all of which can impact learning outcomes. Instructors and students face class dynamics and challenges from extensive ecological settings they live and function in, such as family and society (Parsonson, 2012). Classroom management is essential for effective learning. The best practices for class management are classified into five categories: spatial layout of the classroom, classroom climate composition, educational administration, behavior-enhancing techniques, and improper behavior (Simonsen et al., 2008). The evidence-based interventions for class management should meet the following criteria: according to (Simonsen et al., 2008); fair experimental or measurement design, empirical proof of results, reliable implementation protocols, validation of findings by application environments, and evidence of viability. Classroom management methods are categorized as evidence-based if they are (1) tested using experimental design and techniques such as experimental community and quasi-experimental group, (2) have shown effectiveness, and (3) validated by peers (Simonsen et al., 2008). Classrooms are effective learning environments if there is a low degree of destructive behaviour and coordination (Parsonson, 2012). There are essential practices that can help manage behaviours in the class setting. For instance, rules and principles should be clear, simple, consistent, and equal. Second, the consistency of activities is ensured by creating schedules, evidence, hints, and signals regarding impending changes, modifications, duration, and consequences of actions. Third, consistent verbal and nonverbal appreciation for ensuring oral compliments are accurate and insightful (Parsonson, 2012). Lastly, students should be allowed to adapt to and participate in school activities, use tools, and answer questions without discrimination. Classroom management ensures effective learning, which is achieved by applying best practices that create a conducive environment for both instructor and learner.
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