The Learning Environment and Adult Learning

The Learning Environment and Adult Learning


Learning environments are vast and mainly inclusive today. Depending on many factors, the environment the learner's experience can be positive or negative. This paper will discuss the learning environment, the challenges faced by institutions, and how the institutions are overcoming these challenges. How learning organization responds to the challenges presented by the environments will be a testament to their ability to recruit and retain learners.

The Learning Environment Described

Ellstrom et al.'s (2008) research identified the learning environment as the enabling and the constraining environment. Stanley (2020) identified four types of learning environments: online classroom, face-to-face classroom, web facilitated learning, and hybrid learning. Educause (2019) identified the term learning environments encompasses resources needed for learning to occur, the technology used in the teaching processes, the methods employed by the teacher, and the critical social connections made in the learning process. Learning environments will vary from classroom to classroom and between institutions and may include learner-centered, knowledge-centered, or assessment-centered environments (, n.d.). It is important to note that Ozerem & Akkoyunlu (2015) recognized the expansive definition of the term "learning environments" partly due to the psychosocial and virtual environments that are created within the classrooms because of the technologies used in today's classrooms.


Face-to-Face Environment Challenges

This environment is teacher-led, downward-directed information transfer. Most of the lesson is taught to the learner without much interaction. This environment can demotivate adult learners, and the use of technology vs. oral instruction is potentially decreased. Belayet (2019) captured that time constraints are other challenges in this environment, especially for adult learners. Why? Because adults lead busy lives and attend school at a specific time, two or three times per week for three- fours hours could create additional life challenges.

Hybrid (Blended Learning) Environment Challenges

Dyvlyash (2021) identified that when the institution utilizes the hybrid environment, there is potential for outdated technology infrastructure at the institution. Educators can be overwhelmed with addressing system and IT issues for the learner rather than focusing on delivering the lesson. Also, adult learners may be apprehensive of technology, lack the skills and abilities to operate in the virtual realm, or accept the technology.

Online (e-Learning) Environment Challenges

Adult learners must be disciplined and prepared for no face-to-face contact with cohorts or the instructors of the courses. A lowered level of communication may become evident in team team-centric assignments. In this environment, adult learners can experience limited feedback from their instructors, create social isolation in the learner, requires a strong level of self-motivation, and drive theory rather than the practice of a subject (Tamm, 2022).

Facing the Challenges

Face-to-Face Environment Challenges

???????????The face-to-face environment is still a viable solution to learning for adult learners. Institutions continue to drive more interaction within the classroom. The more recent shift in this format has made classes more engaging, inclusive, and learner-centric. Institutions are working to build on the social skills of learners, which will make the learner more confident and engaging in the workplace. Tobin (2017) highlighted that increased focus, safety, and the practice of newly learned skills have all been positive attributes of adults learning in the face-to-face environment. Using this format drives increased organization in the adult learner, teaches the learner to respect time management for the student, their peers, and the faculty. Companies have established scholarships and grants for their adult learners, spouses, and children in communities where the company is located (Fenton, 2004), promoting a supportive work/life climate. Finally, companies and schools have sought to improve accessibility for attending classes by shifting work schedules or offering adult learners hybrid or online course tuition assistance.

Hybrid (Blended Learning) Environment Challenges

???????????The hybrid learning environment has been instrumental in allowing adult learners to better manage time and balance between work and school requirements. Companies are offering adult learners education assistance of tax-free education to help employees balance work and educational needs (Fenton, 2004). Adult learners are afforded real-time, face-to-face communication with their peers and instructors. Adult learners continue to learn after leaving the classroom because, in this environment, the learners can shift quickly to the online format to expand their accessibility. Currie (2016) reinforced that after more than a thousand studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Education validated, the hybrid learning environment provides the deepest and more effective learning for the adult learner.

Online (e-Learning) Environment Challenges

???????????Segaren (2020) captured that flexibility, owning the learning environment, affordability, and control over career advancement as ways to overcome the challenges of the online modality. Companies are offering tuition reimbursement to adult learners (Burry, 2022). Although the firms may direct the learner to specific partner schools, the companies are attempting to meet the adult learner where they are in their educational paths. Many institutions are shifting to more video conferencing technologies to check-in and provide the needed motivation to adult learners to avert isolation issues. Finally, because the online format offers the adult learner the flexibility to log in anywhere/any time, some organizations offer specific rooms for them to log in and remain connected with coursework during their breaks.


All the previously mentioned environments are in play within the adult learning space. Is one more effective or better than the other related to learning? Is one preferred or recommended more than the other types of environments? No, why? Because many aspects must be accounted for in the selection process, for example, the learner's physical location, psychological state, and emotional component of the learner and their influence on learning. Employers have been building communities of learners. The relevant courses at the institutions sharpen the learner's skills, are equally relevant to the learners, and are directly benefit the growth of the companies they serve. Working with the schools and the learners, the health of the learning ecosystem is more robust.


Belayet, H. (2019). Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning vs. face-to-face. Retrieved from

Burry, M. (2022). Companies that offer tuition reimbursement programs. Retrieved from

Currie, K. (2016). 5 reasons hybrid learning might be right fit for you. Retrieved from

Dyvlyash, V. (2021) Advantages and disadvantages of hybrid learning model. Retrieved from

Educause. (2019). Learning environments. Retrieved from

Ellstr?m, E., Ekholm, B., & Per-Erik Ellstr?m. (2008). Two types of learning environment: Enabling and constraining a study of care work. Journal of Workplace Learning, 20(2), 84-97. doi:

Fenton, E. (2004). Employer-provided education benefits. Retrieved from

Ozermen, A. & Akkoyunlu, B. (2015). Learning environments designed according to learning styles and its effects on mathematic achievements. Retrieved from;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzcEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1648615257/RO=10/

Segaren, S. (2020). 5 major benefits of online learning. Retrieved from (n.d.) Types of learning environments. Retrieved from

Tamm, S. (2022). 10 Biggest disadvantages of e-learning. Retrieved from

Tobin, D. (2017). Ten advantages of face-to-face instructor-led training. Retrieved from


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