Learning English as a Language, Not as a Subject

Learning English as a Language, Not as a Subject

Learning English as a language rather than as a subject can significantly improve your language skills.

The first step to learning English as a language is to focus on developing your overall English language skills, rather than just rote memorization of English grammar and vocabulary. To accomplish this, you need to cultivate a habit of reading, writing, and speaking English as much as possible.

Reading is essential for building a strong foundation in English. Reading allows you to become familiar with the language and its structure and discover new words and phrases. When starting out, it is important to read age-appropriate material that you find interesting, such as novels, magazines, or online articles. As you become more comfortable with the language, you can then move on to more advanced sources.

Writing can help you practice the vocabulary and grammar that you learn from reading. When writing, try to focus on expressing your ideas clearly and accurately. Create outlines for longer pieces and focus on using specific vocabulary and phrases. Additionally, you should always proofread your work for mistakes and ask for feedback from a native English speaker.

Finally, speaking English is the best way to develop your pronunciation and fluency. Make sure to practice with native English speakers, as they will be able to provide you with the most accurate feedback. Participate in conversations and make sure to pronounce words correctly. Additionally, you can also practice by recording yourself and listening to the playback.

By following these steps, you will be able to learn English as a language, rather than just a subject. Reading, writing, and speaking will all help you to become more comfortable and confident in your English language skills



