Learning is Childlike
Somewhere in this decade of publishing I covered "Childlike vs Childish". One should look at the world with an innate feeling of curiosity. If you want childish- there is an election coming up. Age does not bring maturity even when someone is very old.
it amazes me that some work for years and exist. They do the same things every day. It's like watching Gilligan's Island. They think they will get off that stupid island. They never do. Too many people live the same day over and over. They think they are advancing. No, they are aging.
To learn and open yourself to new perspective makes every day new and different. In hotel reservations we did the same thing every day- searched for availability in hotels. There were different cities, different properties and specials to seek out.
It was never the same day twice. The ones who did dramatic reenactments of the stupid call they just fielded- we all endured foolish calls. The next one might be productive. That positions had winners and losers.
All who were equally made redundant. One phrase used frequently is "Live and learn". Usually it is stated after something doesn't work out. If you aren't learning you aren't living. The ones who take up space might have limited relationships. They mostly get in the way. As an irresistible force it is obvious who the immovable objects are.
Make progress. It may not feel like you are advancing. You don't have to make more money every year. It would be nice. If profits double, next year you probably won't experience that. You can still make progress.
The ones who take up space never learn anything. It doesn't take much to surprise me. Many are more predictable than a Scooby Doo cartoon. Everything I earned in my life came from being underestimated. It caused me to find the unexpected in others.
Some don't care. They become old, regardless of their age. Old can mean stale. Some in their twenties might as well move to retirement communities. That is a waste of life and opportunities.
Gravitate towards the ones who try something different. They may not always succeed. They are finding their way. Eventually they will succeed. The ones who stand around doing nothing- the view never changes. Use your life and opportunities the best way possible.