Learning about business from a great chef....
I was at Y&R London. It was a tough first year. Seemed like every client had us on notice.?
One "trouble maker" was Kentucky Fried Chicken. But the agency, and account lead, Mike Widdis, hung on in and produced some very good work. And it worked. Very well.
The client called me but this time didn't complain.
"Jerry, the franchisees love it. It keeps working. I'm buying you dinner."
At Bibendum, a great London restaurant owned by Terence Conran,??the Poulet De Bresse for two was about $55. Somewhere nearbye, a bucket of KFC was $5.50.
As I left the men's room, there was Conran himself. Enjoying a cigar. (You could in those days).
I asked him to join us for a digestif.?My client, Tony Engel, and Conran "talked chicken". It was a fascinating experience. Really. But then came my learning moment.
Conran said "Feed the rich and you'll eat with the poor. Feed the poor and you'll eat with the rich."
Got it. Volume over value......
Written by Jerry Judge