"Learning"- The breath of professional life
Rahul Kumar
Senior Finance Manager |NBFC Accounting| Head Finance Operations| Treasury |Accounts Payable |Payroll | Taxation| |Co-lending MIS |BC Settlements| Direct Assignment (DA) |Ex-Shuttl ,Mobikwik, Unacademy, Opera, Dentsply
What is more Important, Wealth, Designation or Learning?
For me, Learning is the cause and Wealth and designation are the effect. Learning is a never ending process. In this article I will try to touch-base few basic attributes of learning.
1. How do we learn?
Most of the time we learn from our mistakes
You would have read numerous articles about entrepreneurs who failed many times but something clicked and they became leaders.
"It's not how we make mistakes but how we correct them that defines us"
We learn to maintain our survival
Adversities are the best thing to happen for go getters. Iconic people emerged out of adversities they learnt to conquer the adversities and paved out their way to success. Successful Startups are those who learn to optimise their limited resources and bring solutions with least possible resources.
Competition Drives Learning
In this arena of Technology only those businesses are successful who adapt to learn the changing technology, changing preferences and changing demand. Walmart's valuation would have been at least 10 times that of Amazon 10 years back and you know the present.
You Learn from the surroundings
"A person is an average of 10 people he is generally surrounded with"
While I do not guarantee the correctness of the above statement, one thing is sure, our action changes according to our sorroundings.. if you are sorrounded with children you will be more playful, when you are sorrounded with criminals for a long time you will start thinking like criminals.. choose the workplace where you may learn from your colleagues and leaders.
You Learn from Experiences
Learning comes from greater experiences. When you make your hands dirty with something you have not done in the past, you commit mistakes and you learn from your mistakes.
"How are teachers across all subject areas to balance these two rather distinct elements of human learning and development if they do not have an experience base themselves?"
2. Do entrepreneurs, billionaires also need to learn?
Does Ambanis/ Birlas/ Tatas etc also need to learn anything or its just they throw money and get success?
The customer is the king..a brand is significant or insignificant is decided by end users. While Amir Khan has huge wealth but his movies are not superhit due to his wealth but due to his learning about the consumer's preferences. He keep himself pushing to the next level to bring something which will be liked by public the similar is the case with big brands.. Apple produces products which are liked by the public. They invest huge in learning, R & D
Every successful entrepreneurs have earned the success the hard way.. they have bleeded hard earned money on many products which did not work and they utilised their experience in bringing a product which subsequently became a big brand.
3. Why Startups prefer to hire graduates from Top engineering/ B- Schools?
One explanation is that a degree from top colleges serves as a signal.“Employers have beliefs about the relation between the signal and the individual’s underlying productivity"
Startups are the setups with limited resources, they need people who can take challenges who is agile to learn anything. These young people from these colleges are ones who have proven their grit to learn quickly to tackle the challenge by clearing those exams and these startups expect them to continue their learning agility and perseverance. Selecting some one is a big risk in a startups and it is easy for the startups to take risk on some one who already has proved himself in standing out.
PS: I do not support the fact that tier-1 graduates should get jobs easier than pass outs of tier-2/3 colleges.. there are candidates without these great degrees who have created better impact than few Tier-1 college pass outs.There should be parameters to judge creativity, learning agility, objectivity etc. As stated above, Learning comes from Experience and anyone with great experience should be given due weightage irrespective of the degrees they hold.