Learning to better understand your inner monkey

Learning to better understand your inner monkey

What is really jumping about in our brains when we must make a decision about anything in our lives? We feel the chemicals brewing, we feel excited and nervous when this inner magical mix of both opportunity and threat gets to work inside of all of us.

‘Do I want this, Don’t I want this’, ‘Should I stay or should I go’, ‘Shall I take this new job or not’ - we are constantly making emotional decisions about something and research suggests we make up to 35,000 decisions every single day.

Now you can understand why this can prove so challenging and we seem on many occasions to be so uncertain. 35,000 emotional decisions a day! No wonder we need some help and advice and we seek others’ opinions. No wonder we can find it all challenging and we so often question our decisions even once they are made.

We need to understand that we make every decision emotionally and we justify it logically afterwards. There are very few if no exceptions.

We are indeed emotional creatures. We have a plethora nee myriad of fascinating chemicals released by our brains – dopamine is for bursts of joy, serotonin for safety, cortisol when we under stress, endorphins blocking our pain and oxytocin as a bonding chemical. Wow! what a mixture!

Our emotional inner decision maker is our well-known limbic/reptilian brain – also known in many areas as our inner monkey or chimp. It contains all our emotions, our feelings, our values, our beliefs, our gut instinct, our intuition and so much more – it allows us to survive, it is who are as humans, it is our truth.

Our monkey is truly powerful, and research suggests 5 times more powerful than our neo cortex – the rational / risk management system area of our brain that is our logical friend, and where all our spoken language emanates from.

So how can we better understand the needs our inner monkey and use it to access our real truth to help us make the right decisions more often?

We all have so much ‘noise’ going on in our lives that makes our monkey nervous and restless. We are often making key decisions when under stress and our cortisol levels are high which really effects our ability to make the right decision and access our true wisdom within.

We need to work hard to keep our monkey calm and peaceful. It is truly imperative for us to function at our best. We need to nurture, love and care for him. We need to take time to understand him better – what he wants and needs.

We need to surround him with likeminded friends who nurture, support as well as challenge him. We need to free him from any cage of uncertainty.

4,000 years ago when we all lived in caves it was a lot more simple for the monkey. You are in the cave with your family having dinner after a hard day hunting and gathering and the big bear was coming towards you. It was a simple decision of ‘fight or flight’. There was much less additional noise. You made your emotional decision with a lot more ease than we do today. Life was less busy. It was often the only and correct decision that allowed us to survive another day.

The speed of our lives, the pressures we are all putting on ourselves together with the new digital world are impeding our access to our inner truth and deeper wisdom – in effect access to the toolbox of tools that allow us to survive and thrive. It is creating so much ’noise’ for us all. We need to truly understand this as it is core for our personal wellbeing and survival as individuals and as a race.

We must all set our monkeys free again to make our emotional decisions with a clear mind.

It is then we are truly winning. It is then we will make even better decisions most times. It is then we are truly free.


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