Learning the “be’s of the New Testament (cont.)
(New Beginning’s thru Christ Jesus)
?1.)??????‘Be born again:’ not of flesh but of Spirit (a must)
?2.)??????‘Now be changed:’ from what God the Holy Spirit will show you (as a child) what you are; then what you were made to be: now onto that goal.
?3.)??????‘Be reconciled:’ submit to Spirit, so that you as a person (shown) be; to self; to others; to God.
?4.)??????‘Be regenerated:’ empowered, motivated and controlled by a source-not of yourself. God only.
?5.)??????‘Be restored:’ salvaged from what is; retrofitted by Holy Spirit to wholesome functionality; life, work and service. As revealed: not chosen.
?6.)??????‘Be made Holy:’ Brought to a healthy fear of God; so as not to do that which dishonors Him, or self.
?7.)??????‘Be made perfect:’ Having your mind and other facets of personage purified to His standards.
?8.)??????‘Be saved:’ from slavery to self: habits, promises, unwholesome wishes and acts.
?9.)??????‘Be transformed:’ be made new before all people; in your flesh, by the power of the Holy Spirit, working obedience in you.
?10.)??‘Be willing:’ to give yourself to God; your hopes, dreams, plans, desires, everything.
?11.)??‘Be washed:’ with the Word of God, allowing and permitting the Holy Spirit to renew your mind, so that you may see your acts and thoughts; as he does.
?Beloved of God, each and every one of these ‘Be’s’ are processes, and are to be seen and entered into as such. There is only one of them that is singular in its activity, that is: ‘be born again.’ This one being the first ‘must’ in our relationship with God. “In your beginning...”
?-God’s servant, claude robert, 8-22-07