Learning #5: The importance of continuous communication and nurtured relationships
Centre for Effective Services
Research | Evaluation | Implementation | Programme management | Connecting evidence with policy across Ireland and NI
Far too many projects fail to deliver on their outcomes but effective practices can improve the chance of success.
In our ‘Balancing the Art and the Science of Project Management’ blog series CES Director of Change and Improvement Ken Stanley will share CES’ insights into 5 key learnings based on our experience which, if adopted, would help any project improve the likelihood of success.
Projects are delivered by people and very often these are people who have never worked together previously. Yet, we expect that by simply putting these people together and calling them a team that, as if by magic, all will work cohesively and collectively and the project is a sure-fire success! Unfortunately, magic is not viable option, so this cannot be left to chance!
A committed and cohesive team who know and understand what is going on and the role they each play, have each other’s back and support each other to deliver
Steps to help this happen:
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