Learning #3: Deliverables and outcomes need to be agreed and clear from the start
Centre for Effective Services
Research | Evaluation | Implementation | Programme management | Connecting evidence with policy across Ireland and NI
Far too many projects fail to deliver on their outcomes but effective practices can improve the chance of success.
In this 'Balancing the Art and the Science of Project Management’ blog series CES Director of Change and Improvement Ken Stanley will share CES’ insights into 5 key learnings based on our experience which, if adopted, would help any project improve the likelihood of success.
At risk of overstating the obvious, when setting out on a journey if you do not know the destination you are going to, how do you expect the driver, or indeed the passengers, to ever get there, let alone take the best route?!? Similarly, in a project setting, the desired outcome(s) should be the North Star which guides all!
Before embarking on a project, it's important to know what your project outcomes are so you have a complete and clear understanding of what your overall goal is and have a way of measuring what project success looks like.
What are project outcomes?
Project teams need to invest time to fully understand the overall project goal, and the outcome(s) to be derived from it.
How to do this?
So, this provides the destination; what about how to get there?