How Are You Thinking?
The journey to life’s greatest questions is not through the minds of others’ but through the thousands of thoughts that lie behind the closed curtains of our own mind. Quoted by the National Science Foundation, our brains produce as many as 50,000 thoughts per day. What thoughts are running through your mind? It is my belief based on my own experience that when we have a thought that limits our potential, we will become more malleable to the idea that we are stuck as who we are and will not be able to obtain "our" true ambitions in life.
So for those who do not know how to grasp control of their thinking I want you to try and pause each thought that comes in, even if it delays your actions slightly, to learn what you are thinking so you can determine why you are thinking it.
If it goes to be that you are having trouble with learning your thoughts and the indication of them I would suggest going the next step and each day for 1 to 2 hours, sit by yourself with possibly some light music in the background and proceed to only think, nothing else. Write down your thoughts- if you absolutely need, but do not let writing be a distraction of your thinking.
Check every thought that does not fall into harmony with what you believe yourself to be and move away from those. When your thoughts are not in alignment with your higher vision about whom you believe you can be, make a note of it to keep yourself from using actions or words in relation to those type of thoughts.
What we hope to learn from this is to see a pattern in your thinking, which will lead to what you hide about yourself. I have a strong belief that the foundation of our thinking will be a large percentage of what we think of ourselves to be. Our actions will not be as strong if our thoughts about ourselves are not strong.
And this I leave for you to try.
"The brain is gonna do what the brain is gonna do, but that doesn't mean you have to let it push you around"
-Eric S Nelson