Learn. Work. Learn
Sir James Dyson said at SIM's inaugural Future of Work Series on 20 Sep 2022 - “As we get older, our pace of learning needs to increase. And so-called ‘workplaces’ are really places for problem solving, creativity, collaboration, research and most importantly, continuous learning. …. The future of work and the future of education are one and the same. Education is a never-ending continuum”.?I concur.
It is observed that the learn-work cycle has started as early as the O-level / SPM phase, when most students begin to flounder about courses, universities and career choices. The parents are equally if not overly anxious.
In a wider perspective, job seekers are not confined to geographical locations. The global talent network crosses national borders, time and space. They work where they are better paid.
Undoubtedly, students see employment prospect as the reason for attending internationally acclaimed universities. This is because qualifications are ‘proxies’ of competencies. The other factors influencing the selection of universities include the quality of education and student experience.
However, employers are likely to treasure the new recruits’ talents (knowledge, skills and experience) because these are the real enablers (at work) and not which university.
We all are aware of new challenges of changing business models and technologies. When the formal education does not fulfil the new challenges, informal education must be intentionally sought.?
In short, learn-work-learn is a continuous process of improving oneself.