Learn Why Your Shoulders Roll Forward With This Test & FIX IT!

Learn Why Your Shoulders Roll Forward With This Test & FIX IT!


 In a world of prescription medication, expensive doctors, and crazy possibilities when we go under the knife - it is nice to know we can still fix our posture with two simple tennis balls and a touch of self-discipline.

Some research suggests that we should not sit longer than thirty minutes a day & those thirty minutes should be on the floor, not in a chair. We also should change our position (or posture) every two minutes. If you think about it, these three pieces of information make sense. Try sitting on the floor and see how often you change your position. Now sit in a chair and do the same. While sitting on the floor, I noticed that I am always shifting to a new position. Sometimes sitting with my legs crossed, then leaning back, often shifting my weight from one side to the other. As I type this blog I am at my standing desk. Here I have to be careful that I also continue to move. 

Standing Desks: The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

On a bit of a side note, but an essential one - let's take a minute to discuss standing desks. If you are lucky enough to have a child or know someone that has a standing desk in their classroom, most likely it will have a little bar underneath for their foot. This bar is placed there to make sure they move. Remember the third rule (The change your position and posture rule)? Making sure the kids do not stand glued in the same position and change their posture periodically is very important. As I type this blog I am making sure that I shift my posture and position as much as I can. A few years back the news spoke about standing desks being the next best thing for our posture since sliced bread. However, if we stay locked and glued in a bad position, then we are also looking for trouble. Funny enough, it was about a year later the same news stations started talking about the dangers of standing desks. So the lesson to be taught here is... Remember changing our posture every two minutes is essential - no matter if you are standing or sitting!

Insert Tennis Balls Here

This is where the tennis balls come in. Do you have enough thoracic mobility? First, let's start by explaining what thoracic mobility is and why it is crucial for our posture. The thoracic spine is home to your ribs & chest. From too much sitting, driving, and overall lack of movement we begin to lose this mobility. The muscles become tight, the joints (in this case vertebrae's) lose mobility and we slowly turn into the "Hunch Back of Notre Dame." Ok, that is a bit of a dramatic stretch, but as the muscles become tight and our spine loses its mobility we begin to either have rolled forward shoulders or even worse - a hunched back.

Don't Break Your Neck

Many people have a simple issue with lying on the ground and being comfortable. The mobility in the mid spine (thoracic) is so poor the head is not able to rest on the ground in a neutral position. These people will have a "kink" or hyperextension in the neck so the head can rest against the ground. This position of your neck is not good or safe. That does not mean everyone else is out of the woods and problem free with perfect posture. The tennis balls are fantastic because they check the potential mobility of our mid back. Our spine should have enough mobility to lay on the tennis balls & adapt, meaning your head should remain on the ground.

A Great Exercise To Help 

I mentioned a few times in the video that the tennis balls can also be used in a fantastic exercise that increases our mobility and improves our posture. See the link below.

Thoracic Mobility Drill by GTS: https://vimeo.com/279979111

I would suggest performing this exercise three to five times a week & focusing on the points that are more sensitive. The great thing about mobility is the instant relief is causes. Unlike wanting to get a six pack and only feeling the soreness long before the results, mobility is the exact opposite. After finishing the drill, the area should feel lighter and easier to move (along with seeing better posture). The instant change is fantastic because it allows the client to answer their questions about when they should do it. Many of my clients start with the idea of two or three times a week and increase it to that many times in a day. They realize it helps them sleep better when finishing the exercise in the evening & they work better when they do the exercise in the morning.

I always like to tell my clients to touch themselves and not to be afraid of new things - sounds terrible I know! However, it is true. You can become the best physio for yourself, but first, you need to learn more about your own body.





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