Learn to use, not to abuse.

Learn to use, not to abuse.



Sooner or later you are going to find this issue prevailing in your class, which alone has the capability to destroy your classroom culture. You may not be able to correct it 100% but here is a way to deal with it considerably.


  • Students will not use abusive words themselves.
  • Students will not allow anyone to talk to them in disrespectful manner.
  • Students will collaborate towards making the classroom foul language free.

Target Audience

a. Those who abuse.

b. Class leaders and those who do not abuse.



This has been tried and tested upon grade 5th, 8th and 10th. It worked in all 3 grades.


  • As grade level increases, it becomes more and more difficult to pat at their core, implying it won't work for grade 10th as much as it would work for grade 5th. This is not a one day thing, at first it won't seem catching up, but few constant reminders will do the work.


  • 90% plus kids of grade 5th were found following the steps rigorously and it was a great hit.
  • After a long vacation of December they needed a revisit.
  • Grade 8th and 10th whereas showed changes but not as expected, they seamed to keep forgetting the norm and steps to tackle with the problem.
  • Appeal to girls helped dealing with it to a further extent.
  • Teenagers have a tendency to impress the opposite gender, so a voting upon "who would like a partner or a friend who is abusive?" helped even further

Explorations & Decisions

Avoid doing it the very first month of your intervention. Kids must start trusting you and must feel a safe environment before you initiate this discussion with them.


What is “gali” called in English?

ESR: Bad words, abuse

No word is good or bad, it is all about how we use it. If I say to my mother or my girlfriend, “I love you.”, they we be happy to hear that. Good or bad?

What if I say this to some stranger whom I don’t know, probably seeing for the first time? Justifying it by saying “meri phli najar ka pyar hai!” “Love at first sight”, they might not feel good about it becausethey know this is not the truth.

But “love” otherwise is a good word, right?

The correct word for “gali” is, “Abuse.”(Underline “use” in ABUSE) What does use mean to you?

If I am writing using this chalk/marker, I am using it, but if I throw this chalk at someone to hit him/her, I’m abusing not only the chalk but also that person. As the actual usage of chalk is “writing” and not throwing at someone. Similarly, if we use words to make a conversation, discussion, debate etc. Is that proper usage of words? Or when we use words to hurt someone, to make someone feel bad or angry, to win arguments without logic and content, that is proper usage of words?

Can anyone tell me, why most of our abusive words are female centric?

Our society has been patriarchal since ages, things are changing now but before, the setup of society was such, women were dependent on men, as most of the jobs required muscle power and invasion was common so women generally used to take care of the family while men used to earn and protect the family. Men still has this sense of reasonability and urge to protect their women irrespective of “women need it or not.” Another aspect of this is the “strong emotional bond” of males with their mother, sister, and wife. Men know each other’s weakness so do women and hence the greater insult/impact you want to cast, the worst words you use against their best person.

(Keep girls in focus) I would like to urge ladies of the class to not allow anyone to demine females, or use females as a way to hurt someone. Will you be a flag bearer of this?

Do you know what is one of the most incredible inventions of mankind?

Language! In India alone we speak around 19500+ languages. And what do we choose to do with these, abuse. How ironical and sad is that?

If I ask you to create your own language, completely new, without using any existing words, letters, will you be able to? None of us can.

So, if we cannot add to something then who are we to demean that thing?

Any guesses, why people would have started abusing?

(Sticking to Indian context) Educational rights were limited, not everyone had access to education. Being able to speak does not imply you know the language. Someone who can use language just enough to make conversation, not necessarily will be able to debate, win an argument logically, or use the knowledge and information appropriately, or at right place and right time.

Now suppose you are abusing such person physically, knowing he/she can not win in a physical battle with you, or you are insulting the person so cleverly that he/she is not able to counter back. What do you think that person will do? They will abuse.

Abusing is more like temporary stress relief, fake feel good of achieving something, illusion of staying in the fight.

All of you are educated? Or at least in the process?

If “yes” then why do you choose an uncivilized way of presenting your thought or emotion? Stop for a minute and think, “why do you abuse?”

a. It is coming from the family, dad abuses mom, or opposite or both of them abuse you. In short family has made it normal.

b. Your sibling, cousin, friend or aged gali ka bhaiya whom you think is your friend has made it cool for you.

c. Others are abusing, you do not know any better so you too started.

d. Some rapper or some actor or some social media star whom you follow religiously has made it cool for you.

What to do if someone is abusing you?

  1. Tell them politely, “I do not like the way you are talking to me. If you will continue talking in a foul language I will complain about you.”
  2. If they repeat, ask them “Are you uneducated (anpadh/gawad)? Do not you have enough vocabulary to keep your thoughts in a better manner? Why don’t you buy a dictionary.” Also warn them, “This is the final warning for you, if you use such words one more time I will complain.”
  3. If they repeat the third time, take the matter to your teacher or HM or parents. Do not forget to mention that you followed above 2 steps before coming to them.

What to do if you hear someone abusing someone else or two people abusing each other?

  1. Similar drill, politely tell them “Hey! This is not the way we talk in the class. As I have to listen to something that I don’t want to and that I should not, and also not to forget the class is mine too, I will have to take this matter to the teacher/HM.”
  2. If the party gets into fight with you for intervening, do not indulge, just take the matter to the teacher/HM and tell them how you were following the first step, and how they reacted.



They did not learn to abuse in a day, hence you can not expect them to unlearn in a day either, but the technique works for sure.

Individuals exposed to high levels of verbal abuse from parents, for example, have?reduced grey matter volume in their left auditory cortex and abnormalities in an important language-processing pathway in the brain, the left arcuate fasciculus.


Use your own journey or your very dear one's example, on how you/the person gave up use of abusive words.

Avoid insulting someone whom they follow and might have learned abusive words from. Instead ask them to learn good things and discard bad things.

#abuse #use #education #adolescents #adolescentes #transformation #holisticeducation #childdevelopment #childpsychology #youngpeople



1 年

That's how we can change everything in society. ...... Big ? to you Manish Anand

Payal Vasishtha

Actor | Content Writer | Storyteller

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