Learn to Trust.
If you are not making someone in your life uncomfortable, you are probably not living close enough to the edge. Living up to your full potential and possibility requires risk and discomfort; you must be willing to sacrifice your sense of security to be of greater service to the world and to yourself.?It is a frightening journey and one that is always traveled alone.?Faith is not a tool for the weak, but a weapon for the warrior. You must learn to trust your inner voice and purpose if you are going to fully actualize your true spirit.
What is the risk that you are not taking? Something just flashed through your mind; what was it? What can you do today to step out of your comfort zone and begin to live boldly and without apology?
Success or sabotage? The creation of success begins with a step into the unknown.
Is this going to be an incredible day? The day can only be incredible if you stretch the nature of its boundaries.