Learn Transcendental Meditation In York thIs July

Learn Transcendental Meditation in York with the Meditation Trust in July. A course in TM over 3 days, easy, effortless & enjoyable. No concentration or control required & no emptying of the mind.

See a comment below from someone who learned TM on our last York course :

"I really enjoyed the course, after years of struggling with thought control meditation techniques, TM feels like a breath of fresh air - it almost feels like cheating!

I'm managing to practice twice a day and I'm getting a lot out of it already."

Zara ~ Huddersfield

Manage stress & the pressures of everyday life through regular periods of deep profound relaxation.

Validated by a wealth of scientific research + the experience of millions around the world.

Taught by independent TM teachers at the lowest course fees in the UK.

For more info or to book a place : 01843.841010 + www.meditationtrust.com


