Learn These Tough Lessons To Transform Your Life
Not discovering your mistakes will ruin your life.
Only 2 months have passed yet 2023 has taught me the most important lessons of my life. It’s been full of ups and downs and promises to be the same way going forward. I have managed to hang in there despite facing some major hardships.
There are certain periods in everyone’s life that teaches them a lot. 2023 has been that way for me. But it didn’t happen by accident, I moved out of my house on purpose (it’s not so common in India). So that I could face real-life issues and grow. These problems managed to hurt me and my progress.
I could have avoided them if I was a bit more alert. But, I finally overcame them. If you learn from my mistakes then you’ll be able to deal with such issues with ease. Let’s dive in.
You’ll Never Get The Ideal Situation
There’s no ideal day, time, salary, work-life balance, etc. Most of the time you’ll need to sacrifice one thing or the other. As human beings, we:
But the harsh truth is, we never get the ideal situation. This is why most people are unable to do any of the above things. They don’t get the ideal situation, so they just wait for it.
This is a recipe for a disastrous life. For me, the realization came when I was hired as a content writer. For me, it was very close to the ideal job. It had only one key thing missing.
And that made me leave the job. After that, it became hard to get one as most companies don’t hire someone with below 1 year of experience.
This made me realize that the ideal job doesn’t exist. Even if it does, I will need to spend years to find it.
Don’t make the same mistake. Go after what you want. Keep your expectations lower. Never wait for the ideal time or situation.
Overthinking And Stressing Won’t Solve Your Problems
I have been an overthinker all my life. I overthink and stress over the smallest stuff that doesn’t even matter to the average person. In the last few years, I started to look for ways to improve my life.
I wanted to get a job and learn many more things. But almost 90% of the time I failed to take action. This made me even more stressed. I used to overthink everything and that’s why failed to act on it.
The cycle of finding out what to do — wanting to take action — overthinking — not taking action repeated every time.
Even if I did manage to take action. A setback would make me overthink again.
The lesson I have learned is that only action will solve your problem.?It’s the only thing that will take your life forward. It doesn’t matter how much you cry or stress about things.
You Need To Take Responsibility For Where You Are In Life
It took me a long time to understand that I’m responsible for where I am in life. Most of the time we blame circumstances or people for the way our life has turned out. We fail to realize that playing the blame game will not improve anything.
Wherever you’re in your life or career, know that your actions have taken you there. You don’t have control over anything other than your actions. If you’re unhappy with your life, take full responsibility for it.
You don’t need to blame yourself. But rather take responsibility. Realize that if you don’t take action or move in the right direction, nothing will change.
I used to blame everything around me for the way my life turned out. Anything other than myself. Once I realized that my actions or lack of actions shaped my life, I stopped blaming myself. I started taking responsibility. And Guess what happened? My life started improving.
No one has more control over your life than yourself. The sooner you realize this, the sooner your life will improve.
No One Is Coming To Save You
Multiple times in my life, I have been in problematic situations and my parents saved me. They protected me from every harmful situation. But that was the reason why I wasn’t improving as a person.
Facing difficult situations on your own helps you grow and learn. Becoming weak and staying away from difficulties won’t help you. This way, anytime you’re in a tough phase of your life, you’ll hope someone will save you.
You won’t take the challenge and wait for help. But life doesn’t work that way. Once you become a full-grown adult, no one will care about you. Of course, your parents will. But they won’t save you from the difficulties of life.
The reality is, the world doesn’t care. If you want to achieve your dreams and goals, then you’ll have to become stronger. It’s powerful to know that nobody will save you. This way, you don’t rely on anyone else but yourself.
Whenever you face a tough situation, you deal with it.?It doesn’t matter how hard life is, you’ll deal with it. Because you know you’re on your own. This makes you stronger and tougher.
Moving out of my house and living on my own made me realize this. Now, I don’t wait for anything to happen. I try to make it happen. If I’m facing difficulties then I will do everything in my power to deal with it. Alone.
Nobody will save you. You’ll have to save yourself.
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