Learn Through Storytelling
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The longest reigning monarch in the world breathed her last a couple of weeks ago.?Her legacy is her story.?She stood witness to numerous wars, conflicting ideologies, ethnic clashes, fall of communism, rise of capitalist regimes and sweeping spread of consumerism. From the era of horse drawn carriages to autonomous cars, from colonizing poorer nations to probable colonization of planets and stars. She was the one who saw it all. Imagine the wealth?of stories she left behind.
And, with the stories come learnings. A senior politicians, back in my journalism days, told me – “learnings come from all five senses”. Learning is not teaching. Learning is an experience, deciphered, internalized and applied. Stories make it easier to comprehend and act decisively. For instance, as part of onboarding in 2006, I was given a book titled Integrity. I expected it to be a list of do’s and don'ts and policy details. What I found instead, were stories. Information security, for example, was explained with the story of a manager who discloses sensitive information in an email and puts both the company and himself in trouble. The story has stayed with me, and so with thousands of others who have read the book. And, each reader learned without being taught.
As a mark of gratitude to our teachers, team We-Storytellers dedicates this edition of Contently Yours to all those who guide us towards the light of learning. You would find our blogs carrying forward this thought – how teachers opened the world to us with stories and how we as marketers can do the same with our customers.
And, if you are wondering how to be a storyteller, read our blog on storytelling workshops for the answers. Talking of answers, meet Archana Garodia Gupta, CEO Touchstone, our guest at Story Talkies this month. Apart from being an entrepreneur she is an avid quizzer, voracious reader, and author. It’s a really entertaining conversation where we try to find out how she manages to juggle so many hats successfully.
We promise to bring you meaningful stories every month. Please feel free to share Contently Yours with your team, colleagues and friends.
Thanks for being with us.?
Learning never stops but where do you begin?
In this edition of Storytalkies, we celebrate the art of learning and storytelling through our conversation with Archana Garodia, where she insists on the importance of reading. Watch Now
Stories have been the source of information retention since the dawn of humankind. Teachers and marketers have been using the art of storytelling as an essential element of teaching and learning. Explore how stories has transformed into a medium of communication.?Read more
Storytelling Workshops helps you sharpen your business storytelling skills for a win-win situation. Now engage your co-workers better giving way to shared vision and goals.