Learn Step by Step Clipping Path Tutorials for Beginners

Learn Step by Step Clipping Path Tutorials for Beginners

Clipping paths are often used when removing unwanted objects or people from photos. In this clipping path tutorial, we will show you how to create a simple clipping path using Photoshop CC 2022. Learn?step-by-step tutorial.

Clipping path is a type of vector path used to isolate an object from its surroundings. Image clipping path services have the goal of isolating a certain object from its background and removing any other elements that are not pertinent to the focus of the image. Any image can be edited after the fact by using a service like Photoshop clipping path Service Company. In this Photoshop tutorial, you'll learn how to use the pen tool to select an area of an image to "clip" or "select," and then how to delete that area to reveal a clean background.

Let's get started with the clipping path technique in Photoshop CC 2022. To begin, we'll open a fresh image that we'll use to practice clipping and background removal.

Step 1: Open a new document in Photoshop CC 2022. I've chosen a photo of a baby product because it has a lot going on in terms of color and texture.

clipping path

Step 2: Select the Pen Tool (P) and click once anywhere within the image. You should see a small white circle appear where you clicked. This indicates that you're currently selecting an area of the image.

photoshop clipping path

Step 3: Click again to deselect the area. A dotted line appears around the selected area. If you'd like to make sure you've selected the right area, click inside the dotted line.

background remove

Step 4: Before beginning the process of clipping the route, it is essential that you zoom in on the image to the appropriate level according to the requirements. If you enlarge the picture, you can discreetly crop away unwanted areas without affecting the overall appearance. When viewed at this zoom, the image is 300 percent larger than life and perfectly readable.

photoshop pen tool tutorial

Step 5: You must reach the clipping path's start before you can complete the operation. Clipping and joining to the anchor point are finished; please see the image for detail.

clipping path service

Step 6: All right, your clipping path is complete. Next, select the "make selection" option by right-clicking the "make selection" in the path layer.

make selection tool

Step 7: Please see the effect after the selection of the clipping path.

Now press Ctrl+Shift+I from your keyboard in order to invert your selected item so that you can separate that from the background easily. Please see the effect after inverting of image.

clipping path

Step 8: Then, to take a feather, press Shift+F6 on your keyboard. Here, we've used a feather radius of 0.30. Using a feather will help you soften the item's sharp edges.

No alt text provided for this image

Step 9: Now if you click Ctrl+Backspace the background will be removed. The image now will take the background color that you have selected before. Here we have selected white background color and that I why the background becomes white when we press Ctrl+Backspace. Then we will press Ctrl+D to remove the selection around the item.

background removal services

Towab Muhammad Yusuf

Digital Marketing Specialist at Clipping Path Universe and Senior graphics designer, Internet marketer, and a blogger of www.clippingpathuniverse.com


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