Learn About Star Delta Circuits!
Link To video - Video Link to how they are wired.
A Star Delta Starter is often used for loads with high surge currents, with it's likely hood to overload a regular DOL starter, we first short the Star point of the star contactor for a short moment to momentarily reduces to voltage difference between phases. With this shorting, the voltage potentially drops the the Root of 3 or ~57% of the L-L voltage, Around 277VAC.
This Greatly reduces the Torque by ~33%. with this great reduction in torque, the Current will corresponding reduce by 33% as well.
For those who are curious about why high surge current / inrush current are undesirable below are the negative impact these currents can have on your electrical systems.
1) Fires
2) Voltage Dips
3) Compromised sensitive servers
4) Compromised electrical circuits
5) reduced useful life of your loads and your switchgears.
Cheers and hope this has helped you understand the need for a tranditional Star-Delta Circuit.
https://youtu.be/BAAX6FmTdWM - Video Link to how they are wired.