Welcome back.
This week, I want to take an idea around learning something new and encourage you to try that now.
Take the word Imagination.
And now... we -- yes, you and I for the next thirty eight seconds -- are going to Imaginate.
The Problem:?I Keep Saying
This week, imagine you and I are reading a thesaurus.
A book. A physical book. Hard Cover.
Hey. OK. I need a life and a new hobby but just play along, please?
ME: "Hey, how are you?"
YOU: "We are making some awesome changes for 2023. And it's turning into the same thing as we did two weeks ago."
And maybe you keep hearing, "But we've always done it this way."
Maybe you keeping digging in and saying, "But we've always done it this way."
C'mon now.
The Actionable Tip: Learn Something New
Read that actionable tip once again.
Consider, "How can learning something new" help get me off the hamster wheel we are on as a team?
What's ONE thing you could learn and apply today to help you?
Your Next Step...
Think about the problem I've described and my actionable tip above.
Here is the part where?I need YOU contribute YOUR actionable tip?for others who are reading this short article....
Please share ONE actionable tip in the comments below about what (and how) learning ONE new thing has helped break the hamster wheel of "We've always done it this way."
Looking forward to learning something new today.
See what I did there?
Thank you.
Michael Vizdos
PS: In case you did not notice, the made up word I used in my graphic for this posting is even misspelled (and I am pretty sure people will try to help me and point that out). All good. Imaginate or Imagninate... all good my friend (smile).