Learn. Share. Grow
“Don’t Keep History A Mystery: Learn. Share. Grow” is the theme for this year’s National Reconciliation Week, and it encourages us all to explore our shared history, to learn more about our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, and to share that knowledge to help us grow as a nation.
National Reconciliation Week commemorates two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision. The Reconciliation Australia website reminds us that
"Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”
The Australian Local Government Job Directory believe that fostering greater knowledge and pride in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions within our communities will create a stronger, more vibrant and united Australia.
May your experience of this important commemorative week allow you,your Council and you community, to connect in a deeper way with our shared history, roots and lineage. To learn from our past in order to move forward into a brighter future for us all.
Many Blessings
Dianne Jack
Editor in Chief