Learn Performance Test - Metaverse using Wine Linux Ubuntu 20.04
Edwin Baktian
SM, Mentor, Team Lead BE, DevOps & Analyst at PT Padepokan Tujuh Sembilan
Self Hosted : Photon Server - https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/self-hosted-multiplayer-spatial-audio-test-edwin-baktian/
Next Stage , Performance Test , using small app simulation , which connected from client (Unity EXE) using Photon DLL to Photon Server
It will smooth if deploy on Windows Server , but Windows Server have cost. But in Linux Ubuntu 20.04 - free
So , for Performance test , mass Small App - Simulation (Unity EXE) , deploy in Linux , we need WINE
So , for example , Small App Unity (Unity Version 2021) , will be run like this
./run.sh [Number of Unity EXE]
# To run the file MetanesiaTest.exe multiple times
declare -i n=$1
#echo "Running the game for ${n} times"
echo "Running the game for $1 times"
for ((i = 1; i <= $1; i++));
? ? ? ? wine MetanesiaTest.exe &
? ? ? ? sleep 10
1 EXE Unity - 1 Connection (Multiplayer & Voice Spatial)
Check in Linux Process
2 EXE run , RAM usage 44%-45%
After test , small can kill using > wineserver -k [number of exe run]
Before using small apps EXE - create from Unity 3D, our team using
But , it cannot represent . How Object move , object run , object in voice spatial and how object multiplayer
Only Create Game Room , for example 100 game , and each game contains for example 20 player , so it can count 100 x 20 = 2000 ccu . Not data package transaction on server and on all client.
Thank You