to learn
One person died, the funeral prayer started
At the moment, a boy friend of the deceased came and Imam came
Saheb said - stand up!
Prior to studying Janaza, I have said that he borrowed 10 lakhs from me, only if I got it back
Teach janazah.
The deceased had three sons, one daughter, the eldest son of the engineer, the groom's son, the doctor and the younger son P. E. D. Holder and the girl studying in Madrasah.
None of the three sons of the deceased are responsible for debt
Do not want to take They cleared - such a way
No one has left their father.
The brother of the deceased, the kinsmen call them all, but someone is responsible for the debt
Did not take Imam Saheb said, except for the decision of debt, he will not teach Janazah. A lot of the hubbub.
Suddenly a woman named Burka appeared
He's got a bag in hand. The female said- Imam
Saheb I'm the daughter of the deceased. Take this, in this bag
There are a lot of money and jewelry, who is the creditor
Say, take off his money by selling jewelry. More
If yes, even after the loan is not paid, then the word
I am the custodian of the remaining debt. In time
I will repay. This time the creditor said, "Imam Sahib should start Janaza, I am his
I did not get any money, but he only gave me
Lendered 10 million rupees. He suddenly died
He went, but in his absence, who was the money?
We will give back such an axiom
Did not go
Now I can understand that her daughter is his daughter
Due to deposits. I'm his
The girl will return her deposit.