Learn About the Most Important Signs of Labor
Learn about the most important signs of labor: changes in the cervix, gradually increasing pain, and regular contractions, all signs of the arrival of the special moment. Learn more and be prepared!
You will notice strong and regular contractions in the uterus, indicating that the due date is approaching. Labor pain is often accompanied by the feeling of back and lower abdominal pain, and a feeling of pressure in the pelvis, which many women describe as severe and similar to menstrual pain. (1) You can differentiate between it and false labor by the intensity, frequency, and regularity of the contractions.
The intensity of contractions varies during labor; It is mild at the beginning, with a period of 20-30 minutes separating one contraction from another. As the stages of labor progress, the contractions become closer, more regular, and their intensity increases, as the uterus contracts approximately every 5 minutes, and one contraction lasts 30-70 seconds. (2)
Since contractions occur intermittently, the best way to keep track of them is to track and write down the start time of each contraction and how long it lasts. (1)
2. Thinning and dilatation of the cervix
The length of the cervix is approximately 4 cm before delivery. With the beginning of labor, the cervix becomes shorter, softer, and thinner. This condition gradually increases until the cervix becomes completely thin before childbirth. (3)
Cervical dilatation is another sign of labor, as the cervix is closed, then it gradually expands until it reaches full dilatation. Which is 10 cm. (3)
The process of cervical dilatation occurs slowly at first, then speeds up over time during labor. The speed and frequency of dilatation varies from woman to woman, so do not feel frustrated or anxious if your cervix is slowly dilating. (3)
3. Increased vaginal secretions
During pregnancy, the cervix is closed with a mucus plug (a thick collection of mucus that blocks the opening of the cervix to protect the baby from bacteria). When the cervix begins to dilate, the mucus plug will begin to descend, causing an increase in vaginal discharge. The color of this discharge may be transparent, pink, or red, Because it may contain a few blood spots. (4)
4.?Head water breaking
The membranes may rupture at the beginning or during labor. You will then feel intermittent or continuous release of small amounts of amniotic fluid (head water). 1 out of 10 women notice a large and rapid flow of fluid. (1)
The mechanism of water descent varies depending on the position of the body. If the membranes rupture while you are lying down, the fluid will come out in a strong spurt, but if it ruptures while you are standing, it will be in the form of a slight drip. This is because the standing position pushes the baby’s head down, which works to block the cervix, preventing the leakage of large amounts of amniotic fluid after the rupture. Membranes. (6)
In any case, if you feel amniotic fluid leaking, you must inform the doctor or go to the hospital to check on your health and your fetus`s health. The longer the period between the rupture of the membranes and the occurrence of labor, the greater the risk of infection for you and the fetus. (1)
5.??The child descends into the pelvis
The station of the fetus and its descent into the pelvic area is one of the signs of labor that occurs weeks or days before the date of birth, as the fetus takes a position that facilitates its exit from the vagina, with its head facing down. At this stage, you will feel an urgent need to urinate, due to the pressure of the fetus’s head on the bladder, while breathing becomes easier. Due to the fetus descent; This gives more space for the upper part of the pregnant woman’s body. (4)
6.????? Other Symptoms
Do not hesitate to go to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Al-Ahli Hospital if you feel any signs of labor. We provide you with specialized medical care that ensures a safe and comfortable birth experience. Our team of doctors and nurses is ready to receive you and provide the necessary support for you and your baby in this wonderful moment.