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Graphic by Ms Mithisha Amin (Tap on the image to visit the page.)


Have you ever felt like you wanted to share something with someone, but just couldn't? Just because you didn't get the response that you thought you'd get? Just because they didn't encourage you enough to open up, or just because you felt that they were just not 'listening'!

Pretty sure almost all of us have experienced this at least once. 

Now reflect on these questions: 

*?? How many times have you heard people asking others who are suffering from any kind of distress to 'reach out' and ' ask for help'?

*?? How many times have you actually 'listened' to a person who reached out to you? 

*?? For how long did you stick with them or just said "its okay to be not okay, you'll be fine" and left it there?

'Listening' is the first and the most crucial step that you need to take when someone reaches out to you, when someone says "I just don't feel good, and I don't even know why." And no, you don't need to give advice, or solve their problems and expect them to feel okay right away. You need to be there, with them, physically and mentally, giving all of your attention to them, in that moment ?

Just sit. Listen. Be silent. Give them time. Be there. Talk if they ask you to. 

Do not give advises when not asked for 

Do not tell 'isme itna pareshan hone wali baat kya hai

Respond just like you would want other people to respond to you when you reach out for help! 


Written by Ms Tanvi Jajoria (Founder, The Artsy Cure)

Presented to you by THE ARTSY CURE in collaboration with MAD DiEat.


