Learn Like a One Year Old
Jon Markwardt
HCM Account Executive at Paylocity | HR Technology Enthusiast | Published Author
My wife and I can hardly believe it, but our little unicorn turned one in the month of October. Each day, she learns something new. And we couldn't be more proud.
My daughter is walking well, but she has not perfected the ability. Unfortunately, this means she is falling on the regular as she attempts to run around the house. Minor heart attacks happen on a daily basis for my wife and I. But those have been minimized as we finally baby proofed every sharp corner and falling hazard. Although, I'm sure she'll find more!
She says a few words. And she has her own language to communicate with each of us. She knows her favorite toys, games, songs and laughs loudly when she thinks something is funny. And all of these things change and advance every single day.
While I can't keep pace with how fast my daughter is learning, I can relate. I am over a month into my new role as I returned to the workforce in a sales position in September. I'm experiencing much of the same.
Most of my days feel like I am running as fast as I can until I inevitably fall down. But just as my daughter is doing, I am learning and growing through my failures. This is the fastest way to learn. So, I keep running each day with the goal of falling a little less as I push on.
I've picked up a lot of the company and product language. But businesses in 2020 overload acronyms into their culture to cut down on email text and to shorten conversations. You can no longer work for a large business without memorizing the business equivalents of LOL, BRB and OMG for your company. I can tell you that when I hear a new business acronym each day, I do not LOL. But it does make me want me to say, OMG, BRB!
Despite falls on the regular and the frustrations of learning a new language, I am thrilled to be in my new position and learning. I've never experienced the business world quite like it is today. And while I think that I will always prefer meeting in person. This new world of video conferences and virtual meetings is beyond intriguing to me.
As the world has changed, strong businesses have adapted. Business has carried on. And for those fortunate enough to be re-inventing the next best practices, enjoy it! YOLO!
2020 has been a year of change for many people, whether you like it or not. This makes it an important time to realize the Grass is Browner on the Other Side. Those who water their own grass inevitably have the greenest grass on the block! Embrace the spot you are in, whether you are working from home or one of the many who have returned to an office. If you'd like to push forward with the changes and advance your sales or leadership career, please click on the image above to purchase a copy in my series.
I do love hearing from my readers. So, LMK if you have any questions on either of the books. And comment below on how you've embraced your own business changes this year.