Learn to let go and move forward
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Life comes to a great realization point. Some things are not meant to be kept forever… You know you have to stop and let go when things aren’t going right, and everything you do is unappreciated. Remember what batman said? ‘it is wiser to be alone but happy… than with somebody who does nothing while you’re doing everything…One of my friend told me this story to inspire me to move on. There lived a man, he wanted to climb the highest mountain in the world. After many years of preparation he decided to give it a go. Because he wanted to achieve glory alone, he started climbing the mountain alone.
It was cold, the night arrived, it was dark, zero visibility but he still wanted to climb. Instead of taking a halt, he kept climbing. Suddenly, his foot slipped and he lost his control. It was a free fall, he felt the pull of gravity. In those moments of great fear, it reminded of all the good and bad things he did in his life. He was now thinking of how close was his death, all of a sudden he felt a hard pull by a rope tied to his waist. His body was now hanging, with only a support of rope, He cried and screamed, “Help me God. ”. A voice came from cloud, “What do you want me to do?” The man cried, “Save me God!”
The voice came, “Will you do as I say?” The man cried, “Yes anything, Please save me.” The voice came, “Cut the rope tied on your waist.” The man did not cut the rope and held it by all his strength. Next morning when the rescue team arrived, it said that the climber was dead and frozen, he was holding on his rope which was frozen, Only six feet above ground! So, how attached are you with your rope? Will you let go? To let come new and better things, let go of the old.
I got to the point that it naturally happened. As I stop trying to force things and instead allow them to happen on their natural timeline, they go much easier. One of the things I struggled with forever was letting go of trying to get people to engage with me. I'd try and try to be liked, to be available, etc, etc. Like at work, I'd go to their office or cubicle and talk to them. They'd never come to mine. Over time, I gradually stopped going over and saying hello to people. And sticking more to myself.
The end result? I have less chatting and gossip in my life, I get more work done, and I have less friendship/pals there. Is it worth it? Well, I don't feel like shit anymore going in and talking to people knowing they won't return the favor, so that feels more powerful. I also feel more accomplished with my work so that feels good. Best of all, i dont feel like a lost puppy as much anymore. I feel like I have some boundaries starting to develop. It's been a long time coming, too. I've always hated the feeling of being the one trying to keep friendships and interactions going. Screw it. If people want to interact, they can come to me for once.
When, you’ve tried enough. You’ve been treated in ways which have not been loving and healthy for you, enough. You’ve had your heart broken enough to a point you now feel, you cannot trust just enough. You’ve given time and space enough. You’ve been ignored and taken for granted enough. You’ve thrived in transparency, communicated enough and always been in doubt and a disbelief as a consequence. You’ve succumbed to the toxicity of the relationship, and you’ve realized the utter futility of trying further. You’ve witnessed an eroding self-esteem, self-respect and self-love, a degraded quality of life and a hampered growth of your self in constance. You’ve failed to make sense out of it all.
You’ve finally realized that this time, it really isn’t about you, it’s about them and there is very little that you can control inspite of the massive unconditional love that you’ve been showering on them.. Then I feel it’s the time. It’s time you stop the hustle and accept. It’s time you look back and reflect. It’s time you introspect. It’s time you take a step back. Not because you don’t care, but because they don’t and no matter what you do, they won’t. When you’ve given your all in, and yet they’ve been unaffected within, it’s time you let them go therein. Life is short. You wouldn’t want to spend the half of it trying to convince people to love you or to respect you the way you deserve to. Quit before you lose yourself in the process of valuing someone too much. Cheers!
Facilitator / Teaching Faculty / Head Mistress / Influencer / Mentor
2 年??
Great Learning Kishoreji
Academy for Career Excellence
2 年Profound share Kishoreji. Excellent message. Well said