Learn to let go like water
Kishore Shintre
#newdaynewchapter is a Blog narrative started on March 1, 2021 co-founded by Kishore Shintre & Sonia Bedi, to write a new chapter everyday for making "Life" and not just making a "living"
Once there lived a man, he wanted to climb the highest mountain in the world. After many years of preparation he decided to give it a go. Because he wanted to achieve glory alone, he started climbing the mountain alone. It was cold, the night arrived, it was dark, zero visibility but he still wanted to climb. Instead of taking a halt, he kept climbing.
Suddenly, his foot slipped and he lost his control. It was a free fall, he felt the pull of gravity. In those moments of great fear, it reminded of all the good and bad things he did in his life. He was now thinking of how close was his death, all of a sudden he felt a hard pull by a rope tied to his waist.
His body was now hanging, with only a support of rope, He cried and screamed, “Help me God. ”. A voice came from cloud, “What do you want me to do?” The man cried, “Save me God!” The voice came, “Will you do as I say?” The man cried, “Yes anything, Please save me.” The voice came, “Cut the rope tied on your waist.” The man did not cut the rope and held it by all his strength. Next morning when the rescue team arrived, it said that the climber was dead and frozen, he was holding on his rope which was frozen, Only six feet above ground! So, how attached are you with your rope? Will you let go? To let come new and better things, let go of the old.
Learn to let go and be like water”. It means to accept the situation however it is let be good or bad and keep flowing like a water. For example, if a very good and strong relationship has been broken and you did your best to make things fine and it's still not working out then just let go because there's no other way to sort it out if the other person is not there. And life is moving on for each one of us. You cannot sit and wait for your whole life to make things get better. There are other things too that need our attention and so you should learn to let go and be like water. A stone stops water, flowing its course. The water finds a way, least resistance!
The stone doesn’t go unchanged though. Gets eaten everyday by the water flow!Totally eroded, relents eventually. The patient water flows, the stone becomes history! The human mind sees this, ponders. Stopping water flow seems possible – with boulders! We build dams! Mountains of concrete! The iron will, the great intellect! Universal intelligence is patient though. Venting the water, is the priority now! We vent, we irrigate, discuss and confer. Ego gets a boost – change courses of rivers. Encouraged, we learn how ‘will’ works. We build dams, in our mind’s murk! The venting though, is difficult now… Mind transforms the chemistry, and how! Small annoyances hit the dam, stay over. The flowing water now stale, changes nature… Changes to frustration, converts bother...Transforms eventually, into great anger! We vent, as in the case of a dam.
This water’s different, irrespective of its name!We ‘dammed’ annoyance, we vented anger. My will has won and, I’m a loser! I acted like the dam, acted like the stone. Never once I thought, left the water alone…If I’m the water, can flow and dance. Go patiently down the path of least resistance! My intellect but, serves my identity. See myself separate from the eternity. We feel better, killing and losing, Than flowing like water, being in sync… Losing the ‘ego’, the ultimate fear. What’s the world, when ‘I’ is not here… So, we ‘will’, we ‘dam, we ‘vent’, we lose… Not a difficult choice though, when you see and choose!
To let go’ is to remove your rigidity of values and beliefs so that the situation can be accepted as it is, without resistance from you about how it should be. If you learn to let go, you will be less anxious. However, you may lose out on some gaining some type of power or knowledge or evolution if you let go… as anxiety can break you or make you break records! ‘To be like water’ is to flow with ease. When a rock comes in the path of water, it changes its course rather than fighting the rock and yet, meets the ocean which is its destination. Similarly, if you flow with ease like water, you will not allow obstructions to trouble you and change your path for moving on, towards a destination, irrespective of obstructions on the way. Cheers!
Housekeeper on PICU ward
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