Learn To Lay Bricks Both Natuaral and Spiritual!


Brian is retired now due to a car accident 20 years ago, and now he is a preacher whom likes to raise funds to feed the poor and hungry in Asian Countries that are in need because of earthquakes, floods, and droughts. Learn How To Lay Bricks video is designed to raise funds for the Asian Countries in need. Please see the website where there is a donation tab to collect funds for this a registered Word of Faith Charity ABN: 39326050887 thankyou and you can join our mailing list on https://www.trafficbuilder3.com

Brickie Brian Pty Ltd.

P.O. Box 1116 Taree

New South Wales 2430




Hello Reader my name is Brian Richards and before I retired I was trading as my company named “Brickie Brian Pty Ltd” this company is now a shelf company: So I have written this short book to share my experience with others whom would like to lay bricks and build the small jobs firstly before they will build the bigger jobs. Now the laying of bricks is surely a skill that you can learn the basics if you have never laid bricks before I will show you the basics and you shall learn very quickly and easy with lessons that will get you laying bricks as a semi- skilled within a few days. Now to lay bricks as a professional will only come with time, patience and a lot of hard working on the body to be fit. Yes this skill will make you fit and I have not seen a skilled bricklayer whom is not fit, it is the very first requirement! Regardless what anyone else will tell you: I know that the more fit and healthy you are the better quality your bricklaying will be. The work you will be doing as a bricklayer will improve its appearance as you become more fit & healthy. The first few days you will feel pain in your muscles just like a sport you suddenly take up that you have not done in your life before! However if you are already fit and healthy then your speed as a bricklayer and your learning will be speedy also. O.K. so this is the last I will speak of this as I am terrible unfit since I stopped laying bricks because of retirement. I had a car accident that broken my back but as you see with my video I am not totally disabled mainly because I was super fit as a full time bricklayer and my work was good. (This photo is me now) 70 years old:  

 I was asked many times to teach people how to lay bricks and I was always too busy to teach people and now I feel sorry that I have not passed on my skills to others. So this is the reason for this book to give you all the information you will need to learn how to build you own home, or any small job you heart requires you to build. https://youtu.be/vNImIs8Vi0E (part 2) https://youtu.be/shIUOXa69PM



Hand Tools needed:

  • 4 ft Spirit Level and boat level.
  • 12 inch Bricklaying Trowel,
  • Pointing trowel
  • Lump Hammer,
  • 4 inch wide Bolster chistel,
  • String line
  • Measure tape
  • Pencil
  • Jointing iron
  • Set square
  • 2 square mud boards aprox 1 metre square
  • Hand brush for brickwork
  • Sponge and gloves





 (All in easy step by step)

  1. the first step is to watch the videos https://youtu.be/shIUOXa69PM


  1. I layed a prox 100 bricks to build a step tread into the existing retaining wall with a flower box each side.
  2. A short list of what you will need to build a set of steps within a retaining wall.
  3. You will need a mixer or a wheel barrow to mix your mortar to lay your bricks.

·        Sand has to be clean fatty sand, special for bricklaying,

If you mix from a wheel barrow as I have done in the wheel barrow you will need 4 parts sand and 1 part cement, and 1 part fire clay.( or a lime if no fireclay)  and a small bottle of liquid ball bearing, this is a mortar fat. If you have to improvise then a strong liquid soap will do. This you will add to the one bucket of water as we go: the texture of the mixer of mortar will be as seen in the video provided with this book.

  1. you will also need a shovel and a hoe to help you mix the mortar in the wheel barrow: mix the whole thing dry( before adding the water) mix it dry first twice through, a little bite as a time with the hoe.
  2. (The Video is there to help please refer to video) Then repeat the whole action to make it a double mix in the wheel barrow. Now you are ready for the water just a little as a time, may one whole bucket and a half, as according to the wheather temperature.
  3. * Prepare the mortar* to start work:
  4. Prepare the mortar to required proportions and consistency. Preparation an appropriate mixing vessel such as a wheel barrow or plastic bucket depending on the job undertaken, along with a pointing trowel, safety gear and a source of potable water are required. Mixing Using either a wheel barrow with a shovel, or a bucket, add about 75% of the water and then slowly add the contents of the bag. Add remaining water gradually to achieve a workable mix or until the mix just slips off the trowel when lightly flicked. Use Brickies Mortar at once, does not allow standing. Curing Allow to set to the touch before raking or finishing. Safe Handling Mortar contains cement chemicals and trace amounts of Hexavalent Chromium. Avoid generating dust. Use personal protection equipment against exposure and alkali burns. Wash product off unprotected skin immediately with water. The use of goggles, dust masks, barrier creams and rubber gloves is recommended. Manual handling of bagged products without proper training may result in personal injury. Wherever possible you should use mechanical aids or share the load with another person.
  5. Prepare the work site

Prepare the work site ensuring that the surrounding area is clean and level. An appropriate footing or base for the wall is required. This should be designed to ensure that it can support the intended wall for both vertical and lateral loads. Damp coursing should be installed in all external brickwork one course above finished ground level, usually between the second and third course. This is required to prevent soluble salts from entering and subsequently damaging the brickwork.

  1.  Lay the bricks when laying bricks it is customary to work on the side of the wall which shows the finished face.
  2. The mortar is spread still further with the point of the trowel by a vibrating movement of the hand and by drawing the trowel in the direction of the arrow, which causes the mortar to form little ridges.   To fill the perpend; mortar is applied to one end of the brick, which is to be laid. This is termed “buttering” the brick. The “buttered” brick is then placed in position and then tapped with the trowel until it is level. string line will assist the brick edge being level but you must also ensure the brick is level from front to back, to avoid any pronounced variable shadow effect.   All excess mortar squeezed out of the joint is then removed, by scraping it off with the trowel with an upward stroke. The maximum height of a brick wall is governed by the size of the footing, thickness of wall, the anticipated loading, the spacing of supporting piers and the intersecting walls. All of these factors must be considered when calculating the allowable height. It is recommended that walls above 1.4m are built in several stages of no more than 1.4m without allowing the mortar to set. Where the length of the wall exceeds 10m, provision should be made for expansion joints. These walls should be designed by a qualified engineer or builder. A trowel with mortar on it is held above the wall and moved in the direction of the arrow, at the same time tilting the trowel to allow the mortar to slide off and become distributed along the top of the wall. . Prepare the mortar Prepare the mortar to required proportions and consistency. Preparation an appropriate mixing vessel such as a wheel barrow or plastic bucket depending on the job undertaken, along with a pointing trowel, safety gear and a source of potable water are required. Mixing Using either a wheel barrow with a shovel, or a bucket, add about 75% of the water and then slowly add the contents of the bag. Add remaining water gradually to achieve a workable mix or until the mix just slips off the trowel when lightly flicked. Use Brickies Mortar at once, does not allow standing. Curing Allow to set to the touch before raking or finishing. Safe Handling Mortar contains cement chemicals and trace amounts of Hexavalent Chromium. Avoid generating dust. Use personal protection equipment against exposure and alkali burns. Wash product off unprotected skin immediately with water. The use of goggles, dust masks, barrier creams and rubber gloves is recommended. Manual handling of bagged products without proper training may result in personal injury. Wherever possible you should use mechanical aids or share the load with another person.
  3.  Prepare the work site (watch the video before this point) https://youtu.be/vNImIs8Vi0E and (part 2) https://youtu.be/shIUOXa69PM Prepare the work site ensuring that the surrounding area is clean and level. An appropriate footing or base for the wall is required. This should be designed to ensure that it can support the intended wall for both vertical and lateral loads. Damp coursing should be installed in all external brickwork one course above finished ground level, usually between the second and third course. This is required to prevent soluble salts from entering and subsequently damaging the brickwork
  4.  Lay the bricks when laying bricks it is customary to work on the side of the wall which shows the finished face. Clean your work as you go allowing 10 minutes drying time, then soft blush, after one hour you can use a little water to clean. Next day for a stuborn stain can be removing with spirit of salts.

Thank you and God Bless you in your building [email protected]  

Learn To Lay Bricks

Reverend Brian Richards from Cundletown, NSW posted in General

https://youtu.be/vNImIs8Vi0E (part 2) https://youtu.be/shIUOXa69PM sees this also we are not so Spiritual that we do no earthly good! No we are practical also. I am to use this video to teach people how to lay brick this was my son watching here! You can leave message for me on https://revbrian.com.au your message will come into my inbox

Any funds collected from this product is a donation to https://trafficbuilder3.com


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