Learn to Interpret Fracture Surfaces with High Competence!
A four day seminar introducing a new approach to materials and mechanical engineering focused failure analysis will be presented in Grand Rapids, MI, USA, 11-14 November, 2024. The program will be based on the new book by Debbie Aliya, FASM, now available at Amazon https://a.co/d/5vGlLg7
Or check out this link to a 50 minute video introducing the book:
You will need to download the video if you want to watch the whole thing.
Instructor: Debbie Aliya, FASM https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/debbie-aliya-9817ab1/
Experienced independent consultant with a demonstrated history of supporting client's engineering management teams. Strong critical and creative thinker, skilled in Failure Analysis, Manufacturing Engineering, Component Design Philosophy, Automotive, Materials Science and Engineering, and Epistemology.
Seminar Description:
For Whom: People doing or reviewing failure analysis work, or those who must procure failure analysis services from outside services. Focused on mechanical failures, including fracture, deformation and wear, but also with an introduction to corrosion and thermal damage. Good for materials engineers, mechanical engineers, experienced materials testing lab technicians, quality engineers, design engineers, civil engineers, and products liability attorneys. If you have “failed” parts that are readily portable, or photos you may / can share, bring them along for group discussion, preferably with information about the material type, prints, etc
Summary of Approach
This seminar is based on Aliya’s new book Constructing Competence in Failure Analysis: a technical and human factors guide.
The book is focused on evaluating components that have been damaged due to exposure to forces and environmental conditions beyond their capacity to endure. Applying the methodology presented will shed light on the reasons for the demise of the component or assembly. We will discuss the fallacy of the single root cause. The case studies are mostly metallic parts, but include some polymers. The basic methodology applies to all physical parts requiring failure analysis. The methodology has the potential to reveal damaging factors including operations outside of the design envelope, manufacturing problems, or something else entirely. The attentive participant will gain an appreciation for the idea that engineering damage is a measurable physical fact, while failure is always due to a human factor.
Cost: Members of ASM International- $2000.00, Non-Members - $2250.00
Additional fee for payment by credit card.
Multiple attendees from same company may have discount if there are at least 14 confirmed registrants as of October 1, 2024.
Includes Coffee on arrival, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and color printed notebook of all slides (with space for notes), and a personal use only pdf of the slide shows presented. A step by step guide to visual examination and damage categorization will also be included.
Product Application Specialist at Allied High Tech Products, Inc.
6 个月Exciting!
Hi Vic Zacarías. Thank you! Would be great to hear what you think of the video introducing the book!