Learn How You Learn: Avoid Learning Frustrations!
The one constant in our society especially today is Change. With change comes constant learning to stay relevant. While learning comes easy to some, most of us struggle with learning. Why is that?
Scientists tell us "children are naturally inclined to learning"
If this is true, what happened to YOU? ME? US?
How it started?
We all remember the most intelligent student in class, growing up. I bet you can still hear your teacher's voice
"Tony is such an amazing student, he studies all the time and ask questions in class"
you should all be like Tony!
How about at home?
"Your sister, Tonia completes her homework as soon as she gets home from school, and she studies while everyone is sleeping. That is why she gets good grades".
This continues to college -
Remember that friend in college who could read in a noisy room while everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs about that professor? They even joined in the conversations but still managed to graduate with the best GPA, and it wasn't even close.
How about that classmate who studies first thing in the morning and is a social butterfly the rest of the day and still ends up top of the class.
How is it going?
Over the years and maybe even today we try to learn like Tony, Tonia, this friend, and that classmate. Subconsciously, we try to mimic how they learn.
However, the truth is, we learn differently.
for some of us we have to:
-Read the chapter twice (even more) to understand the concept/topic.
-Discuss the concept with friends to understand it.
-Connect the concept to everyday life situations to understand and retain it.
This is where the frustration sets in
We begin to question ourselves. What's wrong with me? Am I dumb? Why can't I grasp the concept the first time? Why can't I study in a noisy room? Or in a quiet room? Or at night? Or during the day?"
How is it going to end?
We've all tried to learn like someone. Someone in our past or someone presently.
My question to you is "how is that working for you?"
It works sometimes and other times it doesn't. However, when you learn how you learn - it works 100% of the time. Why?
Because learning how you learn is the best you - your most productive and receptive self.
Do you know how you learn?