Learn How to make Viggie Tamales
As one of the recipes for the reproductive system, learning how to make viggie tamales comes with so many advantages especially when you discover that it is one of the foods recommended for pregnant women and older men who might have some cases regarding prostate cancer.
One wonderful thing about this dish is that it combines protein from a cereal (corn) with another protein from a legume (beans). Viggie Tamales are Hispanic-American in origin with zero cholesterol content.
In this article, I'm going to list the steps you should take if you want to learn how to make viggie tamales. At the end of the method on how to make viggie tamales, I will outline some health counsels regarding this food.
Ingredients for Vegetarian Tamales
The ingredients here are for 6 servings
Preparation time:?????00:20
Cooking time:????????02:30
Other additional ingredients include:
?Preparation regarding how to make Viggie Tamales